Turn word wrap on From: Mike Hambly. Soundpro3@aol.com ******************************************** Sound Patch for: Brabazon Sound Pack for FS98 All in stereo ********************************************* May1999 Filename: brabsnda this aircraft sounds were taken from video footage of the maiden flight of the brabazon internal sounds likewise it was powered by: Eight Centaurus 20 18-cylinder radial, 2500 hp each Cruising speed: 217 kts (250 mph) at 25,000 ft. Range: 5500 miles ********************* Great tower view sounds.Throttle back to 75% power apply 10% flaps fly at 1000 ft and listen.Amazing reproduction of actual aircraft sounds. Get into level flight,slew to tower view, head for airfield,about a mile out and about 1,500 ft for best sound during flyby. ********************* *Instructions: 1.place xidle into your Brabazon sound directory. MY FILES AT WWW.FLIGHTSIM.COM ARE BELOW.115 TO PRESENT DAY 3.May I express my thanks to Mike Ellis, schoolteacher, friend, fellow flightsimmer, fellow Cornishman for testing all my sound files, and for his help in research and finding and supplying new recordings.Send him a hello:mellis4644@aol.com Need a sound file? do a search under "hambly" at flightsim.com file search.Great many there including Need a sound file? do a search under "hambly" at flightsim.com file search.Great many there including SU-27.LANCASTER. Avro SHACKLETON.B-17.Vickers VIMY.SEA KING. Navy LYNZ, HUNTER.LIGHTNING. B-52. ME-BF110.STUKA. Galaxy,Brittania,Nimrod,Vulcan.Sunderland,HE-111,Magister,CH-47Chinook,B737,B757.Harrier.F14 Tomcat.Wellington Bomber. C-17.DC3.LEARJET.dc8,B1B Bomber.B737.B747. TWIN TURBO sound pack.B2 Spirit VICTOR.VISCOUNT. Spit99sndpk,Zerosndpk99,Crash99,Seneca99,Also author of Sounds for Concorde SST.RAF Collection. VIP Classic Wings Lancaster sound files and CFS Combat Pilot No1 Attack Squadron. *Thanks to Nels Anderson for the time and effort he puts into flightsim.com for all our enjoyment. *If you have particular sounds you want added to an aircraft or vehicle and you have any recordings of them, email me the zip containing your sounds and I will make you a file.Each wave needs to be at least 100kbs in size. Enjoy. mhambly@flightsim.com or soundpro3@aol.com. Mike Hambly Worcestershire. U.K. Warning: The contents of this sound package are and always remain the property of the Author and cannot be re-sold or packaged with any product for sale without the express and written permission of the author. However, it may be uploaded to any server, etc that has "NO" distribution restrictions. This is freeware. Thae Author is not liable for any liabilities that you may incur as a result of using these sounds You assume the risk of use. Feel free to contact me with suggestions and improvements Mike Hambly. soundpro@aol.com