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VT-29 Checklist

Please refer to the Reference section for detailed limitations, power settings, warnings, fuel planning, etc.

Before Starting Engines

No Smkng/Seat Blts ON
Gear: 3 Green
Park. Brake ON
Radios: Check Freq's
Autopilot, Radar OFF
Altim. & Clock: Set, X-check
Flight Inst.: Check
Nav Lights, Strobe: ON
Fuel: Quant. OK
Propellers Full Fine (up)
Mixture Auto Rich (up)(if manual)
Cowl Flaps OPEN

Starting Engines

Boost Pumps ON
Turn Engine Selector to Eng #2
Press START switch
Wait for 6-12 seconds
Turn Magneto to BOTH
Stabilize at 1000 rpm
Start other engines as above
(Sequence 2-1)
Don't exceed 1500 rpm if CHT < 100 deg. except to start taxiing.

Engine Run-up

Parking Brake ON
Increase MAP to field ambient (~30")
Turn Magneto #1 to Left
(rpm should not dec. > 100 rpm)
Turn Magneto to Both
Repeat with Right, Both
Repeat with Engine 2
Throttle to Idle

Before Takeoff

Run-up Complete
Flaps to TAKEOFF - 11 degrees
Trim: 1 mark above center
Flight Controls: Full Travel
Transponder: SET
Cowl Flaps: MID (one click down)
Water Injection Pumps ON (ADI)


V Speeds:
< V1:  Aborted takeoff OK
>V2: Eng. out takeoff OK

Wt.     % Fuel   V1       V2
40,000    23%    87      102
44,000    61%    90      104
48,000   100%    98      106

Throttle to Takeoff Power (59.5" MAP, 2800 RPM)
If not using ADI - 55" MAP, 2700 RPM

CAUTION - 3900 feet required with Takeoff power 

Rotate at V2
Gear UP @ positive rate of climb (<= 500 fpm)
Flaps UP > 130 kts
>130kts, 300 ft AGL:  METO Power (48" MAP, 2600 rpm)
Landing Lights: Off and Retracted


>150 kts, 1500 ft AGL: Climb Power 
(typical: 36" MAP, 2400 rpm - See Reference Section for others)
Climb @ 145-155 kts,  500-1000 fpm
Maintain MAP with throttle as you climb
Radar:  ON as required
Seat Belts: as required
Superchargers to HIGH at 14,000 ft, 
one engine at a time (i.e. press E1 for engine one):
reduce power to 20" MAP, switch to HIGH, 
reset power to 42" MAP, 2400 RPM.
Press E1234 to regain control of all engines


Cruise Power - typical: 35" MAP, 2300 RPM
Low Cruise Power - 31" MAP, 2100 RPM
Mixture to AUTO LEAN
Lean further to a 12 BMEP drop
Radar:  ON
Fuel:  Check Quantity
Descent: keep CHT's in green, do not exceed 260 KIAS
Superchargers to LOW below 15,000 ft
Mixture to AUTO RICH < 5,000 ft

Before Landing

Max Landing Wt.  47,000 lbs. (90% fuel)

Altimeter:  Check
Cowl Flaps:  MID
Seat Belts, No Smoking:  ON
Pattern: 165 kts, Flaps 1 (11 deg.), 2300 RPM
Landing Lights ON and Extended
Mixture:  AUTO RICH
Begin final descent:  Flaps 2 (28 deg.), Gear Down
@1000 ft AGL: Flaps 3, slow to 120 kts
Short landing only: @700 ft AGL, Full Flaps (40 deg.), slow to 105 kts


At 50 ft AGL: 98 kts
At contact: ~94 kts
Flaps  UP
Pull Reverse handle, power to 15-20" MAP
At 40 kts throttle to idle, brake carefully

CAUTION - 4000 feet required after full flap landing and max braking @ MLW @ SL

After Landing

Radar OFF
Cowl Flaps OPEN
Taxi to ramp

Parking Brake ON
Magnetos OFF
Seat Belts:  OFF
Nav, Strobe OFF
Radio OFF