> deltab787gn_FSX\Boeing 787-8 Delta GENx\Readme.txt
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TDS Boeing 787-8 GENx

**** Delta Airlines Boeing 787-8 GENx *****

Painted by: Aziz Polash []

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TDS is pleased to release our Boeing 787 release for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X.
First of all we all want to say thank you for a long time wait about this project.

Model Builder : Hiroshi Igami , Yosuke Ube.
FDE Designer : Maurino M-Bezel Brown , Nick Wilkinson
Master Painter : Yosuke Ube.
Supported by TDS staffs and people who helped.

Livery Painted by : Aziz Polash
HOW TO INSTAL (This version was made special for FS2004, use at FSX at own risk.)
About the group name TDS:
Many people knows there are SkySpirit series models which has a roots at Project Opensky.
TDS is a small group made by former Posky members and building a new models.
TDS stands for Tenkuu Developers Studio. The word, "Tenkuu" is Japanese, and it means, "Heaven's sky."
Any materials used in this package MAY NOT be edited, redistributed without the permission.

Tenkuu Developers Studio Team
July 27th, 2013