fsx_boeingc97_03.zip > Boeing_C-97 > panel > dsd_fsx_turbo_charger.txt
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Gauge:  dsd_fsx_turbo_charger.dll

This gauge will allow War Emergency Power to remain active for any period of time required by the xml gauge programmer.  This is achieved by periodically writing 0 into the accumulated time on War Emergency Power, using SimConnect.  
Each engine is controlled individually, using the following L:Variables:
(L:supercharger control 1, bool)
(L:supercharger control 2, bool)
(L:supercharger control 3, bool)
(L:supercharger control 4, bool)

Set these variables to 1 to enable WEP.  Set them to 0 to shut it off.  No time limits will be encountered.

gauge12=dsd_fsx_turbo_charger!supercharger_transparent, 2,2,2,2

This gauge also contains a visibile, generic gauge element, with a single switch, which will control WEP for all active engines.  The indicators are:
Dark Green - engine not running.
Bright Green - engine running, but WEP not active.
Orange - engine running, WEP active.
Red - engine turbo charger failed.
gauge12=dsd_fsx_turbo_charger!supercharger, 20,300,150

Doug Dawson
Ottawa, Canada
April 15, 2012