END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) Updated NOVEMBER 2007 Unless otherwise noted, this file coming from the Gmax-Ac website are the copyrights of the authors. All rights reserved. Some files have additional copyright belonging to other individuals and/or organizations. Check accompanying documentation of all files for details. We allow files that you have repainted to be uploaded to FREEWARE ONLY websites, NO file may be sent or uploaded to other websites than Avsim, Flightsim and Simviation. NONE of the files hosted on this website can be directly linked for download from another external website. This is strictly NOT allowed. External direct links are monitored and will be deleted. By downloading any files from this website, you agree to the following: No use may be made of these files without the express written permission of the authors of the model, texture on the Gmax Acadamey forum (see below). Contact information is available on the gmax-ac team http://forum.gmax-ac.fr/index.php or ramex@hotmail.fr All repaints or modifications for which permission is granted MUST credit the original creators in both the text file in the archive, the model itself, and any text descriptions uploaded with the file. All model or model manufacturer names, logos, marks, or other identifiable symbols are the copyrights of said airline or airplane manufacturer. The likenesses contained at this site are artists interpretations. The files from the Gmax Academy may NOT be sold, traded or bartered for legal tender in any way, shape or form, or uploaded where a per-file fee to download is charged. This includes CD compilations, and bonus disks. GO AWAY ERIC BUCHMANN, you steal projects !!!! For contact : http://forum.gmax-ac.fr/index.php