F6F-3 HELLCAT FIGHTER PROCEDURES __________________________________ BEFORE STARTING ENGINE [ ] Brakes -- TEST and SET [ ] Electrical Equipment -- OFF [ ] Landing Gear Lever -- DOWN [ ] Cowl Flaps -- OPEN [ ] Fuel Selector Valve -- RIGHT MAIN __________________________________ ENGINE START Press E to initiate engine auto-start sequence, or: [ ] Propeller -- HIGH rpm [ ] Throttle -- 1/5 OPEN [ ] Mixture -- RICH [ ] Propeller Area -- CLEAR [ ] Master Battery Switch -- ON [ ] Ignition -- BOTH [ ] Engine start switch -- ON Then: [ ] Throttle -- 1,000 rpm [ ] Oil Pressure -- CHECK __________________________________ BEFORE TAKEOFF [ ] Brakes -- SET [ ] Wings -- SPREAD [ ] Flight Controls -- FREE and CORRECT [ ] Flight Instruments -- CHECK and SET [ ] Mixture -- RICH [ ] Fuel Quantity -- CHECK [ ] Fuel Selector Valve -- RECHECK RIGHT MAIN [ ] Elevator Trim -- SET for takeoff [ ] Rudder Trim -- SET for takeoff [ ] Throttle -- 2,000 rpm [ ] Magnetos -- CHECK [ ] Propeller -- CYCLE high rpm/ low rpm/high rpm [ ] Engine Instruments and Ammeter -- CHECK [ ] Throttle -- 800-1,000 rpm [ ] Flaps -- SET for takeoff (0-20 degrees) [ ] Cowl Flaps -- OPEN ___________________________________ TAKEOFF [ ] Flaps -- 0-20 degrees [ ] Mixture -- RICH (may be leaned above 3000') [ ] Propeller -- 2,400 rpm [ ] Throttle -- 54 in. Hg. maximum [ ] Brakes -- RELEASE [ ] Brakes -- APPLY momentarily when airborne [ ] Landing Gear -- RETRACT in climb-out [ ] Wing Flaps -- RETRACT ___________________________________ CLIMB NORMAL CLIMB [ ] Airspeed -- 140 [ ] Throttle -- 34 in. Hg. [ ] Propeller -- 2,550 rpm [ ] Fuel Selector Valve -- MAIN [ ] Mixture -- RICH (may be leaned above 3,000') [ ] Cowl Flaps -- OPEN as required MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE CLIMB [ ] Airspeed -- 130 [ ] Throttle -- 52 in. Hg. [ ] Propeller -- 2,700 rpm [ ] Fuel Selector Valve -- MAIN [ ] Mixture -- FULL RICH (may be leaned above 3,000') [ ] Cowl Flaps -- FULL OPEN ___________________________________ CRUISE [ ] Throttle -- 34 in. Hg. [ ] Propeller -- 2,100 rpm [ ] Elevator Trim -- ADJUST [ ] Rudder Trim -- ADJUST [ ] Mixture -- LEAN as required [ ] Cowl Flaps -- CLOSED ___________________________________ COMBAT [ ] Weapons -- ARM [ ] External fuel tanks -- DROP [ ] Extinguish all smoking materials [ ] Use water injection as necessary ___________________________________ DIVING [ ] Canopy -- CLOSED [ ] Landing Gear -- UP [ ] Wing Flaps -- UP [ ] Throttle -- 15-20 in. Hg. [ ] Propeller 2,050-2,250 rpm [ ] Mixture -- RICH [ ] Cowl Flaps -- CLOSED Observe maximum rpm limits (3,060 for 30 sec) ___________________________________ DESCENT [ ] Airspeed -- 150-160 KIAS [ ] Throttle -- 15-18 in. Hg. [ ] Propeller -- 1,300 rpm [ ] Mixture -- ENRICH as required [ ] Fuel Selector Valve -- MAIN [ ] Cowl Flaps -- CLOSED [ ] Flaps -- AS DESIRED ___________________________________ BEFORE LANDING -- ON FIELD [ ] Pattern Entry -- 120 KIAS [ ] Fuel Selector Valve -- BEST [ ] Canopy -- OPEN [ ] Landing Gear -- DOWN [ ] Arresting Hook -- UP [ ] Mixture -- RICH [ ] Propeller -- HIGH rpm ___________________________________ LANDING -- ON FIELD [ ] Airspeed -- 70-80 KIAS [ ] Flaps -- DOWN [ ] Trim -- ADJUST [ ] Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST [ ] Landing Roll -- LOWER TAIL WHEEL GENTLY [ ] Braking -- MINIMUM REQUIRED ___________________________________ AFTER LANDING [ ] Flaps -- UP [ ] Cowl Flaps -- OPEN ___________________________________ BEFORE LANDING-CARRIER [ ] Fuel Selector Valve -- BEST [ ] Arresting Hook -- DOWN [ ] Mixture -- RICH [ ] Propeller -- HIGH rpm [ ] Canopy -- OPEN [ ] Enter pattern starboard side [ ] Altitude -- 300 feet [ ] Turn to downwind appx 1,000- 1,200 yds abeam deck [ ] Landing Gear -- DOWN [ ] Wing Flaps -- DOWN [ ] Landing checklist complete on downwind, appx 150-200 ft [ ] Abeam threshold, turn to base [ ] 90-degree position, 90 kts, turn final, pick up LSO ___________________________________ LANDING -- ON CARRIER [ ] Airspeed -- 95 kts [ ] Flaps -- FULL DOWN [ ] Trim -- ADJUST [ ] Approach -- 3-point attitude [ ] Reduce throttle to idle [ ] Watch for LSO cut signal [ ] After landing, follow directions to parking ___________________________________ ABORTED LANDING -- ON CARRIER [ ] Advance throttle to FULL [ ] Arresting Hook -- UP [ ] Landing Gear -- UP [ ] Wing Flaps -- UP as soon as practical ___________________________________ BELLY LANDINGS and WATER LANDINGS (DITCHING) [ ] Landing Gear -- UP [ ] Wing Flaps -- DOWN [ ] Shoulder Harness -- LOCKED [ ] Canopy -- OPEN PRIOR TO CONTACT WITH GROUND [ ] Switches -- OFF [ ] Fuel Selector OFF ___________________________________ BAILING OUT [ ] Airspeed -- REDUCE as much as possible [ ] Canopy -- OPEN [ ] Abandon airplane CAUTION: Before bailing out at altitude, inhale as much oxygen as possible. ___________________________________ SECURING AIRPLANE [ ] Brakes -- SET [ ] Throttle -- IDLE [ ] Propeller -- HIGH rpm [ ] Avionics Switch, Electrical Equip. -- OFF [ ] Mixture -- IDLE CUTOFF [ ] Ignition Switch -- OFF [ ] Master Battery Switch -- OFF [ ] Cowl Flaps -- CLOSE NOTE: This aircraft's real-world checklists have been modified for use with Combat Flight Simulator 2. To learn about printing and customizing checklists, see "Creating Your Own Checklists" in the CFS2 Help.