McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing MD-11F Fedex with Virtual Cockpit and working Honeywell FMC for FSX. Freeware SMS/FS Painter. MD-11 model. Textures by Bradley Mccoy. Zip preview for images. Prepared, tested and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans. January 2015 ******************************************************* INSTALL FSX: 1. Unzip to a Tempfolder. 2. Move the folder 'fedex_md11_fsx' to the 'FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes' directory. 3. In FSX find aircraft under McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 ******************************************************* Not to be uploaded to FSPlanet, or flyawaysimulation!!! ******************************************************* Over 1 million downloads at ******************************************************* I assemble files because most users can't and it helps more people enjoy FSX ******************************************************* I assemble complete files for FSX because I know a majority of people have trouble making adaptions to FSX using part files. I put the best of the best together and we get more people to enjoy using FSX. This way it helps our hobby. If people cannot easily use aircraft they go find another hobby. IMPORTANT: SUPPORT FREEWARE ******************************************************* DO NOT UPLOAD TO ANY SITE REQUIRING PAYMENT TO ACCESS FREE FILES> DO NOT PAY OR UPLOAD MY FILES TO ANY SITE REQUIRING PAYMENT FOR DOWNLOADS OR AUTO RENEW MEMBERSHIPS. NO FLYAWAYSIMULATION, NO FS-FREEWARE AND NO FSPLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Support Flight Simulator by supporting the great freeware designers! *******************************************************************************