1) unzip toma332.zip folder to a suitable folder, your desktop for example. 2) copy the sound and sound.ai folders from your default FSX Airbus_A321 into the new Tom_A330-200 folder. 3) copy the following files from your default FSX Airbus_A321/panel folder into the new Tom_A330-200/panel folder: airbus_a321_panel_background.bmp airbus_a321_panel_background_night.bmp Airbus_A321.cab do not copy other files from this folder! 4) copy the following files from your default FSX Airbus_A321/texture folder into the new Tom_A330-200/texture.AF folder: Airbus_A321_1_C.dds Airbus_A321_2_C.dds Airbus_A321_3_C.dds Airbus_A321_4_C.dds do not copy other files from this folder! 5) repeat step (4) with Tom_A330-200/texture.AT and Tom_A330-200/texture.LH as new targets. 6) move the entire Tom_A330-200 folder into your FSX aircraft folder. 7) Unzip all files from the lighteffects folder into your FSX/effects folder THERES A STEP BY STEP INSTALATION MANUAL WITH PICTURES IN PDF FORMAT IN THE MANUAL SUBFOLDER. LOOK FOR MFP.PDF