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Civilian P51D for FS9/FS2004/COF VER2
Civilian P51D powered by Packard Merlin V-1650-7:For personal use
Extrnal model updates Photo real textures,full working VC with 3d modeled guages,
special Effects and unique sounds.

New to this ver
textured all small parts visable in VC for better FSX compat.
Night textures now stay reflective at night
new gauge,needle mappings and parts so night lighting much improved 
fixed the coruption in VC parts due to 4mm weld in makemdl
supercharger gauge added,updated airfile and aircraft.cfg 
switching the Piolts hat off now switchs to leather flying cap
added a supercharger high blower setting light and a supercharger switch to VC,Please note the switch is inop 
as the sueperchargers in normal operation was set to auto,supercharger will switch to highblower at 17700+ feet
added mode polys to rudder and prop boss,tailwheel now turns,prop pitch on still blades has much more pitch 
when moved with pitch lever.
sundry texture fixes and hole filling

Conditions of Use:
You must have fun, 
This product is NOT Freeware - however, it is available to simmers as a FREE download but exclusively for download from http://www.gjsmith.net
if downloaded from anywhere else please contact either Garry or Me
Repaints (releasing independent created Textures - without the aircraft main files) are fine for publishing 
They cannot be used in any payware/shareware in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent 
See SELECTWARE disclaimer at the foot of this readme file.

Designed with FSDS3 with all the usual animations and clickable smooth mdl gauges,levers switches knobs and wizzbangs plus Some really cool effects.

Installation and usage:
This update is the whole package and will install to a new folder so as to prevent overwriting of custom files in the Orig install.You can copy your repaints(see repaintfix.txt for info on repaints) and panel ect over to the new install

Self installer will point to the default fs9 folder on C: drive if you have a non default install or wish to manually install the files,point the installer to a temp folder and move the \aircraft\P51D_mustang folder to the FS9\aircraft folder then move the effects from the files in effects\ folder to the fs9\effects folder.

There are 2 models in this ver the mdl in the folder model.PR has a new texture mapping (mustang1_t.bmp) for the top of the nose to allow more detail in this area.It also has some minor mapping change to better fit the new textures(texture sets need to have the PR prefix in the model= section of the aircraft.cfg)

The mdl in the main model folder is more compatable with the first ver repaints(see repaintfix.txt) when using the orig ver textures 

Flight Notes
There is no 2D cockpit with this aircraft a suitable one is SIMphony_No2.zip at simaviation.com.
there is a gauge called dsd_view_skip.gau by Doug Dawson which will bypass the 2d pit,If you wish to add your own 2d pit then open the panel.cfg file in notepad and comment out or delete the "gauge16=dsd_view_skip!no_2d,  0, 0 ,5,5" entry in the Vcockpit section

You will find that the VC is full functional. To ensure you get the full benefit switch on tool tips in fs9 to see what each switch operates, basically  if its in the VC then it works.
Wheel brakes locked and wings folded up will show ground equipment, its just wheel chocks and pitot tube cover and pilot leaves the aircraft.

The tailwheel lock works as the real one,stick forward unlock,stick center or back locked the small red knob has been animated so you can see where its at.

the inner gear doors will open when aircraft is on the ground,engine is off and hyd pressure release is pulled. 

Known Issues

Ive found a workaround for the panel lighting which also stops the night textures from flashing with the effects but it now means that shft L (default panel light key assignment) won't work.

the global lights key(L) will work, the lighting switches have all have tool tips to denote what is what.

Fuel selector in VC
This has been a pig to get to work right,the knob won't respond to the mouse but there is click spots on the base plate until I can workout the code for the knob  (they have tool tips the only deviation is there is a click spot between the 2 drop tanks which will allow the drop tanks to be drained equally).

You won't see the tanks in the selection menu but they will be there when the aircraft loads.

To drop them you need to set the arm switch's (2 one for each tank) in the VC they are on the switch panel just in behind the transponder right hand side of the VC.  

The rear most switch's (behind the arm switches) drops the tanks or if you have a keystroke assigned for the droptanks in fs9 you can use this, so you can watch the tanks fall in external mode.

(but you must have the arm switches in the VC on first)

The other thing Ive included, if you go to the load out screen in fs9 and remove the fuel and set the weights to 0 for the pylons and ext tanks they won't load onto the aircraft, or be seen in the sim so you can fly clean without having to switch models.

3D model,Gauges and animations by Warwick Carter (Fuzz and wing based on 
Andrew Wai's CWDT mustang)
Textures by Garry J. Smith and John Terrell,canopy texture by bananabob,
Photoreal Textures by Javis
Flight model by Silver Eagle
Custom dust effect xml gauge by Taguilo aka Tom @ avsim.com 
Supercharger xml code by Robert Sanderson
dsd_view_skip.gau by Doug Dawson
Effects butchered by Warwick Carter.touch down effect by Krazy 
Sounds where remastered from assorted net sources by me over a 2 year period so I have no idea where the orig came from please email me if you see something that is yours and Ill remove it or credit it

If it doesn't look right or work right then Its my fault:)

Thanks to
Andrew Wai for the fuzz and wing shell fsc to get the shape right
Michael Flahault for model advise and texture help
Louis for FSDS Ver 2 and 3 
Jerry Beckwith for AirWrench and spreed sheet 
Martin Wright for his DXbmp program 
Ed Struzynski for cfgedit 
Serif for Photoplus6 freeware paint program 
William M.Roth for Airedit and Ron Freimuth for the ini updates 
All the great People@ 

and all the beta testers and people who supplied info and support.

SELECTWARE Declaration 
*** (for all instances of GJSmith also include W. Carter) *** 

All products created by GJSmith.net or GJSmith.com are classified as SELECTWARE

Only Sites or organisations selected as authorised by GJSmith to distribute GJSmith.net or GJSmith.com products have permission to distribute these products to their exclusive client base.

If any product created by GJSmith.net or GJSmith.com is distributed without being an authorised/selected organisation by GJSmith then there is a nominal fee of $2.00US for each download or distributed copy of this product payable to garry@gjsmith.net on a monthly basis in retrospect to all sales of GJSmith product each month.

All products created by GJSmith.net or GJSmith.com are emphatically NOT FREEWARE and are not openly available for distribution without the authors consent and,  were applicable, appropriate fees will be incurred and paid for any distribution by unauthorised release or propagation through any media.

 SELECTWARE Definition

Only selected sites or organisations authorised by GJSmith to release GJSmith product have the sole right to distribution of a specific GJSmith product in any media.   

Any site or organisation not Authorised by GJSmith are not permitted to release GJSmith product without payment of a fee for each individual event of distribution of GJSmith product in any media whatsoever.

This principle is fully enforceable by international law and action where necessary will, without hesitation, be initiated.
Warwick Carter
E-mail:  au_mav@hotmail.com
Garry J. Smith
E-Mail:  garry@gjsmith.net
Web:     http://www.gjsmith.net
