FS2004 Boeing LOST TV series Package: Textures pack for Overland/Simmersky Fly into the Sky/World Airlines. Boeing 777-200ER in Oceanic Airlines flight 815 colors and 737-700 in Ajira Airways flight 316 colors. High detailed and accurate repaints with rebuilded nightlights. Textures are in high quality 32bit format. These are textures only! Payware required. Repaint by: Pierre Van Belle e-mail: pierre451@hotmail.com Original Credits: Model, and original textures are copyright Overland/Simmersky Fly. Installation Repaints for Overland/Simmersky Fly into the Sky/World Airlines payware. You must have a valid copy of this product to use these textures. These are only textures!! To install,just copy: 1. the texture folder .OCE into your SMS_777-200ER_W folder located inside your main FS9 aircraft folder(\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft\SMS_777-200ER_W). Then,copy/paste the text below into the aircraft.cfg file and replace the X with the next number in sequence. -----Aircraft Config Entry SMS_777-200ER_W----- [fltsim.x] title=FSPAP 777-200 OCEANIC AIRLINES sim=Boeing777-200ER model=ge panel= sound= texture=OCE atc_id=N7770A atc_airline=OCEANIC atc_flight_number=815 atc_heavy=1 ui_manufacturer=Simmer's Sky ui_type=Boeing 777-200ER ui_variation=OCEANIC AIRLINES (No VC) description=Overland Co.,Ltd. Products --- Boeing 777-200\n\nL1 Cabin Door [Shift+E] then [1]\nL2 Cabin Door Wing Fold/Extend\nCargo Door [Shift+E] then [2]\nAPU Door Tailhook Extend/Retruct [fltsim.x+1] title=FSPAP 777-200 OCEANIC AIRINES (VC) sim=Boeing777-200ER model=geVC panel= sound= texture=OCE atc_id=N7770A atc_airline=OCEANIC atc_flight_number=815 atc_heavy=1 ui_manufacturer=Simmer's Sky ui_type=Boeing 777-200ER ui_variation=OCEANIC AIRLINES description=Overland Co.,Ltd. Products --- Boeing 777-200\n\nL1 Cabin Door [Shift+E] then [1]\nL2 Cabin Door Wing Fold/Extend\nCargo Door [Shift+E] then [2]\nAPU Door Tailhook Extend/Retruct 2. the texture folder .AJIRA into your SMS_737-700 folder located inside your main FS9 aircraft folder(\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft\SMS_737-700). Then,copy/paste the text below into the aircraft.cfg file and replace the X with the next number in sequence. -----Aircraft Config Entry SMS_737-700----- [fltsim.X] title=SMS B737-700 Ajira Airways (No VC) sim=Boeing737-700 model=a_wl panel=ng2004 sound= texture=AJIRA atc_id=N25705 atc_id_color=0xffffffff atc_airline=AJIRA atc_flight_number=316 ui_manufacturer=Simmer's Sky ui_type=Boeing 737-700 ui_variation=Ajira Flight 316 (No VC) atc_parking_codes= atc_parking_types=GATE description=Overland Co.,Ltd. Products --- Boeing 737-700\nTYPE B Cockpit Window\nWinglet\nL1 Cabin Door [Shift+E] then [1]\nAirstair Wing Fold/Extend\nCargo Door Water Rudder Up/Down\nL2/R2 Cabin Door Tailhook Extend/Retruct [fltsim.X+1] title=SMS B737-700 Ajira Airways (VC) sim=Boeing737-700 model=b_wlVC panel= sound= texture=AJIRA atc_id=N25705 atc_id_color=0xffffffff atc_airline=AJIRA atc_flight_number=316 ui_manufacturer=Simmer's Sky ui_type=Boeing 737-700 ui_variation=Ajira Flight 316 (VC) atc_parking_codes= atc_parking_types=GATE description=Overland Co.,Ltd. Products --- Boeing 737-700\nTYPE B Cockpit Window\nWinglet\nL1 Cabin Door [Shift+E] then [1]\nAirstair Wing Fold/Extend\nCargo Door Water Rudder Up/Down\nL2/R2 Cabin Door Tailhook Extend/Retruct ------END------ That's it,enjoy flying! For comments or suggestions e-mail: pierre.451@hotmail.com