Shorts Sunderland MkIII by Stuart Green, air file by James Banks Made with Abacus FSDSv2 This is a multi res model for Microsoft FS2004 only (CFS2 version to follow) MkIII, NJ188. RAF Coastal Command No. 228 Squadron I am indebted to James Banks for all the blood sweat and tears he put into getting the airfile just right After doing a full 9 till 5 he then had to put up with my constant whinging and badgering for which I am eternally grateful The supplied gauges are courtesy of Moparmike who fills the gaps other gauge makers leave, many thanks Mike To install, unzip the file to the AIRCRAFT folder of FS2004 unzip the file to the GAUGES folder of FS2004 At rest the Sunderland is shown with pilot and copilot, front and rear gunner ready for action. To fully arm, press the spoiler key /. Top and waist gunners spring into action and depth charges are rolled out. To open the side door, use SHIFT E. Disclaimer This is only a plane, it should not do you, your PC or your friends and relations any harm. However I disclaim any responsibility for any ills that may befall them. It is freeware. That means you can use it for free. It does NOT mean that you can plagarise it or the work done by others (ie copy it and pretend it is your own). Freeware does NOT mean you can make money out of it, this is a BIG NO NO. I hereby state you do not have permission to do this! I don't mind you hosting it on any site so long as this instruction file is included in its entirety. aka EURO_AMManx Looking for some honest, quality online combat? Then seek out the EURO squadron, founders of the Fair Fighting Federation.