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First off, Credit due!!!

Thank you Hovercontrol for advice and help in regauging the MD500E!!!

This is a redone CFG useing mostly default FSX gauges. I dont know where the auto
hover came from, I have it in many of my helis and dont use it very often at all
but thought it would be a nice feature to have on board the MD500E.  If any one
knows who built the autohover gauge please let me know so I can give proper credit.

The MD500E can be found at

The found at HC was released by Peter and Tamas Nemeth and Batki Zoltan, I claim no
part what so ever in making the helicopter, only altering the gauges and placement
of gauges.  I offer no support of this product, install at your own risk.

Gauges were tested on my computer with the following specs.
Windows XP/SP2
AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual
Core processor 3800+
1.99 GHz, 2.00 GB of RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 7300GS

Directions for install.

**install your MD500E download from first**

1. Replace your MD500E panel CFG file with the file included in this download and
save changes.

2. Go to your FSX root directry/SimObjects/Airplanes/C208B/panel and
COPY "Cessna208B_xml to your main gauges folder found in the  FSX root directry/Gauges.

3. Place as532_hover.gau in your main gauges folder as well if you do not already have
this gauge.

GO FLY!!!!!!!!

for questions or comments I can be found on the HC forums (Mr.Mike... HC801MR)
or you can e-mail me directly at

Happy Hovers!!!