> BIIS2019 > readme.txt
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Thank you for downloading my Isafjordur Airport scenery!
I worked on this to bring a much better rendition of the default scenery and the surrounding area.
All ground markings were made using ground polygons, so it looks much more realistic than default markings.
I've also added an Automated Weather station you can listen to at 135.00. This station is listed on official
Jeppesen Charts. I've also laid photoscenery over the default terrain, so the sorrounding area will be much
more accurate, and the runway will be as close to the shore as it is in real life.

to install this scenery, simply take the folder corresponding to your simulator version, and paste it on the Addon Scenery
folder (if you're using P3DV4 and you don't have this folder, simply create it). Then go into your simulator's scenery
library and activate the scenery.

I would highly reccommend having mesh for this area, as it enhances the parts that are not covered by my photoscenery.
FreeMeshX is great, but if you feel that it's too big of a file, i've heard Iceland Revisited is great too, and the 
orbx Global Iceland Demo is superb.

If you installed the Orbx Global Iceland Demo, then you'll need to remove the orbx airport for mine to work. For that,
go to your main sim directory, and go into the ORBX Folder. After that, go to the FTX_OLC folder and into OLC_EU8. Go
into the Scenery folder and find the files called 01_APTBIIS.BGL, 02_APTBIIS_CVX.bgl and FTX_FTXG_BIHK_objects.bgl
move them out of that folder or delete them.

To remove this scenery, simply deactivate it on your simulator's scenery library and delete the folder in Addon Scenery.

Thanks to Jim Dhanens for allowing me to provide his light pack for use on my scenery.
Thanks to my very good friend, Marc Rioux for testing the FSX version <follow him on twitch at
This scenery was made by Jean Guiraud.