HRYR - Kigali International Airport, Kigali, Rwanda. Kigali International Airport is located east of the capital of Rwanda, Kigali. Located at 1491 meters above sea level, it's terminal is one of the highest in the world among international airports. Its 3,500-meter runway allows the landing of all types of aircraft and has allowed the continuous increase in passenger traffic up to the 800,000 passengers who passed through in 2017. Kigali Airport has three terminals and two helipads. The main two-floors terminal was constructed to replace the one-floor building which now serves as the VIP terminal. The third terminal is the freight terminal which benefits from a high level of activity due to the isolation of Rwanda. The latest renovations and modernizations of the airport enabled it to slip into 2017 as the 7th best regional airport in Africa for its standards in disaster / fire safety and 2nd in Africa for its compliance with ICAO standards. It links Rwanda to Europe (Brussel, Glasgow, Amsterdam), the Middle East (Dubai, Tel Aviv, Istanbul, Doha) and Africa. It also has an important regional role. The companies that use it: RwandAir, Quatar Airways, Ethiopian. To install : 1-Unzip the HRYR-DL archive in a temporary directory. 2-Copy the HRYR-DL directory to your Prepar3Dv4\Addon Scenery\ and, Copy the file DL-APT-Pylone.fx to your Prepar3Dv4\Effects\ Then activate the new scene in Prepar3D. 3-If you hope to use AFLT: Copy the AFLT_for_P3D directory in ..\user\Documents\Prepar3dv4Add-ons \ then delete the file \Programs\Loocked Martin\Prepar3dV4\Addon Scenery\HRYR-DL\Scenery\ HRYR_ADEP4_DL.bgl <<<<<<<<<<<<OR>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3-If you don't want to use AFLT: delete the file \ Programs \ Loocked Martin \ Prepar3dV4 \ Addon Scenery \ HRYR-DL \ Scenery \ HRYR_ADEP4_DL_Purged_P3Dv4.bgl To uninstall: Destroy the directory \ Programs \ Loocked Martin \ Prepar3dV4 \ Addon Scenery \ HRYR-DL This scene was produced using Blender 2.81, Gimp-2.10, ModelConverterX, SBuilderX, AFLT and SAMM software. Thanks to their authors. It is compatible with OpenLC Africa from ORBX. HRYR-DL is compatible only with Prepar3d V4. Kind Regards. Didier Legrand