Boeing B-50 Paintkit This paintkit contains quick and dirty master templates for the B-50 project by Team 50. In order to save on file sizes I have decided to include the relevant layers as max quality jpeg files. Don't worry, you'll get perfectly good psd files if you stack them as follows. B50_01-mesh (blend mode 'lighten') B50_01-occlusion (blend mode 'multiply') B50_01-panels (blend mode 'multiply')* - Your decals layer here - B50_01-base * Because the base layer already has panels baked into it the separate panels layer will only be needed for local emphasis or in order to put some detail on decals or colored patches. Use the identical procedure for textures B50_02 and B50_03. I have also included a decals png file that you may wish to use. Good luck with your paints! I look forward to seeing them published. 25 November 2017 Manfred [dot] Jahn [at] uni-koeln [dot] de