FS2004 - photoreal Panel BOEING B-777 with TCAS and full interior views and wingviews - by Horst Paetzold This upload comes with 2 panel-Versions: Version 1 is a panel with full interior views and 2 animated wingviews for the wingview-model of Project Openksy B777 V2 and can be used for any other B-777 without wingviews. Version 2 is the alternative 2D-panel for the VC-model of Project Opensky B777 V2 and can be used for this model only. How to install: **************** unzip gauges-zip into FS9/gauges folder unzip panel-zip into the panel-folder of your corresponding aircraft. (recheck it's no VC-panel here) unzip VC-panel.zip into the panel folder of your Posky-aircraft (were the VC-panel is, do not delete anything) and overwrite the panel.cfg when prompted. Unzip sounds.zip into FS9/sound-folder Some hints for the usage of both panels: ********************************************** If you want to use TCAS, you need to install TCASII V7.0 from Lee Hetherington. The gauges are positionned in the panel already, but not contained in this upload.Furthermore you need the documentation. In the Overhead-panel you find a COM2, switches for Battery, Avionics,Lighting and Engine-Starters. Below the Engine-Starters are 2 Fuel pumps named L PUMP R PUMP FWD FWD click with the mouse on the OFF-signs, when they have disappeared, the fuel-pumps run.(before engine start!) Doing it reverse, you can cutoff the engines. The entry for (RADIOS) in the aircraft.cfg should read as follows: [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 0 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 0, 1 Nav.2=1, 0, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 What is from me? The bitmaps, some repainted gauges and the panel- arrangement (except the Posky-VC-panel) CREDIT therfore goes to all gauge-designers and to Posky for their excellent B777. Good flights with this panel to all of you Horst Paetzold horstcloudflyer@aol.com