This is the Sikorsky S76 of Helijet in the Feyenoord Rotterdam livery, for the freeware FS9 Nemeth Design Sikorsky S76. Orginal is this helicopter with sliding door, without medical bed and computer. but there is no model with this option, so you can use two options. One: with Sliding door and medical bed and computer. (Med model) two: With Folding door and Seats. Install. this is compatible for FS9 and FSX but in FSX works the Gauges not in the VC fly this with the normall Cockpit view. Open the gauges folder and copy the ND_s76 folder to your main Gauges folder of FS9 or FSX. FS9: Copy the "Sikorsky S76 Feyenoord Rotterdam" Folder to you Main "Aircraft" Folder of your FS9. FSX: Copy the "Sikorsky S76 Feyenoord Rotterdam" Folder to you Main "Simobject > Rotorcraft" Folder of your FSX. enjoy Livery: Repaint by : Mathieu Vos (APSS) Download page : contact : Twitter : @A_P_S_S FaceBook : Screenshot fan page :!/groups/APSSscreenshotfanpage/ (become a memeber)