North American P-51K.
This plane is repainted to a people republic of china air force's
p-51k mustang using on the oct. 1st air show. Flown by capt.
Hanfan Xing,the leader of the air fleet group, belongs to tht
first combat fighter squadron based Nanyuan airfield, Beijing,
china. About 36 flyable mustangs using by the plaaf for air
defend mission,most of they deployed on the Beijing and Gongzhuling
airfield near Shenyang, Liaoning.all that planes are captured
from the republic of China Air Force at the roc air force withdrew
from the cities they ststioned and carried on the air combat
operation. This paint is based on the press "wing of China"s
"war planes of the china civil conflict " AUTHOR:Bill Wolfgen.
1.5MB |
alone PD_Spit 1A
by Didier Patrick. . This is the same aircraft previously available
at 46th Irish as a separate download. Wulfmann. 2.1MB |
Junkers Ju 88A 8./KG 51 9K + BS Battle of Britain 1940
Etampes-Mondèsir - summer 1940 Paintscheme in RLM 70/71/65 Stand
alone repaint of Ju88a4_Kamp51 Flight Dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd"
Wilson Flight Model Workbook V2.83.58 Damage Model Workbook
Version 2.23 repaint & hex editing by the Foute Man filename:
fm_ju99a_9kbs.zip Read install instructions first!!!!! Repainted
by Foute Man. 851K |
Junkers Ju 88A4 Gruppe Stab KG 51 9K
+ BB Battle of Britain 1940 Updated auto installer Paintscheme
in RLM 70/71/65 Stand alone repaint of Ju88a4_Kamp51 Flight
Dynamics by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson Flight Model Workbook V2.83.58
Damage Model Workbook Version 2.23 repaint & hex editing by
the Foute Man. 849K |
Gmax Hurricane MkI (v1.0)
Gmax Hurricane PD_SF_Hurricane 79sqdrn June 4th 2003 This update
of Microsoft's of CFS3 Gmax Hurricane (v1.0) model by Patrick
DIDIER features a repaint by Frank "Pepper" representing a Hurricane
Mk I from RAF 79 Squadron. In addition to the visual enhancements,
this aircraft has been revised by Bill "Spitfrnd" Wilson to
be compatible with the aircraft produced by AvHistory and other
designers that use AvHistory's tools for flight and damage model
development. Original model Patrick DIDIER. 1.4MB |
FirePower Ho 229 V5.
Ho 229 V5 Supersonic Fighter/Bomber Afterburner and sonic boom
visuals and sound The Ho 229 V5 -- also known as the Go 229
-- was a planned variant in this radical series of ultra-advanced
flying wing jet aircraft. Based on the design by the Horten
brothers, the Ho IV, the production version was more often called
the Ho 229. The V5 was an advanced version on the drawing boards,
but it was never built. CREDITS: 3D model - Aces Studios (Microsoft)
Flight Model - Jay McDaniel External Paint - Marcelo da Silva
Internal Paint Re-texture - Scott Gentile Afterburner and Sonic
Boom effects - Scott Gentile. 4.2MB |