Historical Writings of the combat aircraft of the two World Wars
The Me262 was conceived (as an idea) in 1938. The first prototype, flying with a Jumo 210 piston engine in the nose. The jet engines were Junkers Jumo 004B-1, -2 or -3 single shaft axial-flow turbojets. It is not really known whether or not Hitler insisted on the 262 being used as a bomber. If he didn't, then the late arrival is blamed on the engines, which often caused fires or simply exploded. The Me262 finally reached combat service in 1944. It was the figurehead of the remarkable introduction of jet and rocket aircraft the Germans introduced in 1944-45. The Me262 was the most reliable, and in the air, it flew like a dream. When Adolf Galland flew it, he immediately declared that all other fighters except for the Fw190 be cancelled in order to mass-produce the Me262. The Me262 was successful in all roles given to it. If the Germans had had it in 1942, the war may have gone differently. There were reconnaisance versions, (Me262A-1/U-3) and night-fighters. (Me262B-1a/U1) But there were two designs, never proceeded with, that would have made the Me-262 even more advanced. The first was a proposal for a development for two ramjets, probably to be developed by DFS. The designs were captured, but there remains only a single side-view reproduction of it. There are no markings, no dimensions. I will include the pictures I have. (Pardon the bad scan) Number 7 is the ramjet proposal. Number 8, is the swept-wing/buried engine design. Origin: Messerschmitt AG
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