Edited &
questions & answers from my mailbox & the Simvation forum
Q I've installed several FS2000 aircraft to FS2002. They work fine
except the gauges seem to be missing. I've read the instructions but can't find any gauges in the file. What am I doing wrong? |
A You might not be doing anything wrong. Many FS aircraft have
no panel of their own but are aliased to use the panel of a default
aircraft. I suspect these aircraft are aliased to one of the generic FS2000
Converter panels. FS2002 has no converter which explains the problem.
The quickest way to fix this is to re-alias the panel.cfg to a similar
default aircraft. Find panel.cfg in the Panel folder of your aircraft.
CFG files can be opened & edited in Notepad. Here's an example. [fltsim] Change it like this to use the FS2002 default b737_400 panel complete with gauges. [fltsim] Exit Notepad saving changes. |
Q Where can I use my floatplanes in FS2002? |
A There's plenty of selectable water bases in FS2002. Run the
sim & click LIBRARY/HELP. |
Error messages when installing some FS2000 aircraft
The same 2 problems keep cropping up. I'm hoping this might help explain them
Q1 Some of the aircraft I try to use in FS2002, don't work. I
get a message saying something along the lines of "your third party
software is incompatible, Flight Sim will continue to run, but your third
party software will be disabled. |
A OK, here's what I found. Installed the DC-2 mentioned in Q2 in
my usual way, fired up FS2002 & saw this.
From this error message, FSSound.dll is obviously not compatible with FS2002. To find out more I clicked No & selected the Douglas DC-2 KLM PH-AKG. Here's what showed up plus about 20 more like it.
The gauges & switches shown in the 2nd error message won't work without FSSound.dll. Without those gauges the engines won't start. Classic Catch 22.....!!! |
I have since discovered that this is not a new problem nor is it restricted
to the DC-2. The DC-2 package includes a Flight which complicates things a little.
With the supplied panel & gauges installed I found the engines refused
to start even with the above entry added to FS2002.CFG. Changing to another
panel fixed it.
The Pilots folder complete
with files must be installed. Although this particular
Flight can be selected & will load if installed to the correct FS2002
folder I couldn't get the engines to start. |
Q I am running FS2002 on WinXP and I have a problem with the model
showing up on some aircraft. The plane is listed but there is no picture
in the box. When you hit OK it says unable to display model. I've used them before without problem in Win98. Any suggestions? |
A Some imported aircraft designed for FS98/2000 are not compatible
with Win2000 & WinXp. They will be listed on the FS2002 menu but when
selected the visual model is not displayed in the preview window or the
(Example is a typical error message for the purposes of this article. The actual aircraft shown may or may not be affected) As I understand it, the problem is with aircraft animated with early versions of Abacus Aircraft Animator. The non-compatability issue is with the aircraft MDL file & Windows2000/WinXP. This problem is NOT confined a specific MS sim. There's a utility posted in the Simviation Misc section to fix this bug.
MDL Repair Utility here
To the best of my knowledge the original Abacus fix has never been updated. Although my testers confim it works for all MS sims in Win2000 & XP the file appears to have been recently removed for some unknown reason. |
Grumpy's Lair 2003