Download Numbers


Old System File Download Stats

All new files now have download numbers in the description box. This form is for the old archived system (prior to June 2008.)

Please type your filename to find download numbers. These stats show how many times your file has been requested & are from the file server log files run usually every 2 or 3 days..

  • Use EXACT filename as used on Simviation (we sometimes have to rename files)
  • Results can be from our 3 file servers . - & may need to be added. Older files may have multiple results due to server upgrades, etc. - see illustration below. (have a calculator at hand! :)

Information on our site structure.

Simviation statistics are generated from server logs files regularly using 'Analog'

With over 2 million 'zip' files downloaded monthly - Simviation is within the top 3 Flight Simulator download sites on the globe. 50% of our users do not visit other FS sites regularly. Why? Because we are unique in how we categorise add-ons & many people prefer this option. We've also been around some time & have a loyal following :)

Simviation does not use a database for it's site structure - but flat web pages. . No database seems to mean a longer shelf life for files - because everything is near the surface & people -at least Simviation people - like browsing our book like site.

Any questions please contact




