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FS2004 > Military > Page 13
Alpha Tu-16 Badger Updated
Alpha Tu-16 Badger Updated
15.16Mb (1531 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the Alpha Tu-16 Badger. I have added a gauge or two, changed the smoke effect, updated the flight dynamics, and took a distraction from the 2D panel window. This is for FS2004 only, see my other update for FSX.
Posted Jun 12, 2014 09:55 by Bob Chicilo
Afterburner FX texture fix for Spike's MiG-21 bis Madness V2.2 Final
Afterburner FX texture fix for Spike's MiG-21 bis Madness V2.2 Final
0.19Mb (838 downloads)
This FX fix is for those who don't have all the needed texture files installed for the afterburner blast effects. unzip and play. requires Spike's MiG-21 bis Madness V2.2 Final
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 8, 2014 12:22 by Spike
Alpha CF-101B Updated
Alpha CF-101B Updated
7.18Mb (872 downloads)
This is an update for FS9 of the Alpha CF-101B. I have changed the afterburners, added a few gauges to the panel, and updated the flight dynamics. This won't work properly in FSX, see my other update for FSX.
Posted Jun 7, 2014 12:46 by Bob Chicilo
Alpha F-101C Voodoo Updated
Alpha F-101C Voodoo Updated
11.25Mb (1311 downloads)
This is an update of the Alpha F-101C Voodoo for FS9. I have changed the afterburner effects, updated the flight dynamics, and changed the gauges on both panels so the panels work in both FS9 and FSX. This is only for FS9 as some things, like the smoke, won't work properly in FSX. See my other update for FSX.
Posted Jun 1, 2014 09:58 by Bob Chicilo
FSX/FS2004 First T-33 of German Air Force in 1956 Textures
FSX/FS2004 First T-33 of German Air Force in 1956 Textures
3.86Mb (564 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 textures of the first T-33A for the German Air Force. The first T-33 had it's first take off on 24th September 1956 at Air Base Fuerstenfeldbruck (Bavaria); with code: AB+101. The special for the Lettering of this aircraft was, that the letters and numbers had been on the rear fuselage; before and behind the iron cross. This first T-33 had also no instruction and maintenance markings on the wings, fuselage and under the canopy. Many thanks to Tim Conrad for his wonderful T-33A. Repaint by Hans-Juergen Kasper
Posted Jun 1, 2014 04:45 by Hans-Juergen Kasper
FS2004/FSX Lockheed T-33A German Air Force Acrobatic Team Stoecker.
3.38Mb (814 downloads)
Texture for Lockheed T-33A of German Air Force Acrobatic Team Stoecker into the 1960th. The T-33A had been serviced by the German Air Force Acrobatic Team approx. at 1960, named as "Kunstflugteam Stoecker" at the German Air Base Fuerstenfeldbruck. The Stoecker Acrobatic Team consisted of 4 T-33A with the codes: AB-729; AB-750 (Team Leader Stoecker); AB-754 and AB-755. Team Leader Captain Stoecker hat an "Torero" on the left fuselage under the front of the cockpit. All 4 T-33 were colored on the underside with the German National Colors: yellow - red - black. This texture consists the aircraft painting of Captain Stoecker with code: AB-750 with the Torero Emblem. Many thanks to Tim Piglet Conrad for his wonderful T-33A. Repaint by Hans-Juergen Kasper.
Posted May 29, 2014 15:19 by Hans-Juergen Kasper
FS2004 F-111 Aardvark Ver 2
FS2004 F-111 Aardvark Ver 2
32.32Mb (5579 downloads)
This long overdue update to my FS2004 Alphasim F-111 package bringing new life to it. I have updated the repaint textures to those of my FSX F-111 textures. New repaints added include AFTI, TACT, FB-111A-CF, NASA, and FB-111A Tiger Meet liveries. There are 2 different cockpits and some new gauges. Plus all the features of the original package.
Posted May 20, 2014 20:44 by Steve Hess
DSB F-20B Updated
DSB F-20B Updated
15.11Mb (1204 downloads)
This is an update for FS9 of the DSB F-20B. The original file said it was the Iris aircraft, but everything inside the file says it is DSB. I have done all the updating for this model that I did for the F-20A model that it came with. I have separated the A and B models to have smaller files. This is the whole aircraft. This will work in FSX, but not up to specifications. See my other F-20B update for FSX.
Posted May 16, 2014 10:02 by Bob Chicilo
DSB F-20A Updated
DSB F-20A Updated
29.14Mb (1258 downloads)
This is an update for FS9 of the DSB F-20A. The original file said it was the Iris aircraft, but everything inside the file says it is DSB. I have deleted all the gauges from the panel folder that were not being used and changed 3 or 4 gauges that did not work in FSX. I have added a second autopilot, a GPS, a NAV/GPS switch, an air brake light, gear indicator lights and a pitch trim gauge. I have redone the flight dynamics including fixing any contact points. This is the whole aircraft. This will work in FSX, but not up to specifications. See my other F-20A update for FSX.
Posted May 16, 2014 08:03 by Bob Chicilo
B-58 Hustler update
B-58 Hustler update
1.75Mb (5832 downloads)
This is an update, the third I think, for FS9 of the B-58 Hustler by JRLucariny. I have added all the wheels, added smoke effects that don't need to be in the lights section, changed the burner part of the afterburners, and changed the flight dynamics a bit. This is the whole aircraft. No virtual cockpit.
Posted May 8, 2014 10:51 by Bob Chicilo