Help & Tutorials |
Altitudes & Headings
Tutorial. MS Word Document Download. By 'trento' 1.8MB
& TTools - Much information in our
forums & comprehensive tutorials contained inside the
files - here
- "Flight
Simulation Realism"
How to add more realism in your FS flights This tutorial offers
tips to enhance your Flight Simulator realism. Covers: Simulated
flights realism, how to make FS look real, being an experienced
captain, inside the aircraft, and more! A must-have tutorial!
For FS98 thru FS2004 pilots. Author: Luciano Ferreira. Download
file 107K
- "FS
Quick Perfomance Guide" How to enhance performance in
FS: This is a quick guide for FS pilots who are experiencing simulation
problems, regarding general FS performance. Contains hardware
tips for video & sound cards, FS tuning, running FS in older machines
and more. By Luciano Ferreira 95K
- AI
Tutorial. Contains info about AI and more. by Royi Sher.
Description: Here is the tutorial with graphics to the SRTM terrain
mesh provided by Stephen Rothlisberger & Simviation (available
here) . By: Alex
- Landing
Tutorial with Screenshots
- Heat
blur Tutorial:
This is a simple but effective tutorial for adding heat blur to
your screenshots using Photoshop. By Sytse Zijlstra 1.1MB
- FS2004
Round The World In A Prop :-
A step-by-step guide to successful round-world flying, including
comprehensive advice on choice of aircraft, route and flight planning,
fuel management, navigation, dealing with weather and time-changes
etc. The recommended route consists of 24 legs and the places
visited include Australia, New Guinea, Japan, the Aleutians, Canada,
the USA, the Azores, Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Bahrain, Pakistan,
India, Thailand, Borneo, and East Timor; with plenty of sightseeing
opportunities along the way. Robert Christopher's excellent Lancair
Legacy 2000 is recommended, but this is not essential as the trip
has been designed with 'legs' of around 1000nms. and should be
achievable in any of the default FS2004 props. Reasonable flying
skills are required - particularly being able to land VFR (i.e.
without the aid of ILS) - but explanations are included on the
finer points of lining up and navigation generally, so as to cater
for newcomers to FS. Tony Cooper File download 545K
- FS
Approach Tutorial. Instrument Landing System (ILS)
Guide - Common Questions regarding the ILS. - VOR Approach Information
- NDB / ADF Approach Information - GPS Approach Guide - Jon Leggett.
Aircraft into Flight Simulator X
to Tweak the Flight Dynamics of FSX and FS2004 Aircraft -This
pdf file is the 7th update for my tutorial on how to tweak the flight
dynamics of FS004, and now FS X aircraft. I have added some new
data, and which record to edit to have the nose level when it otherwise
would be angled up. I tried to make the rest more understandable
as well.. 866K |
FS2004 |
FS2004 |
- FS2004
- FS9.cfg
- Information on where to find this modifiable file & more.
Forums link
- Inside
the FS2004 Instrument Rating Checkride: You've read the
briefing. You've tried the checkride. Now find out what you need
to know to pass it. This document explains the altitudes, the
headings, the airspeed, the radio frequencies, the turns, the
climbs, the descents, the timers, the "ding" messages--everything
the briefing doesn't tell you about the checkride. Download file.
- FS2004
Gauges/DLL Bug Fix: How to use old gauges in FS2004. I
have received a lot of questions on how to have old gauges working
with my panels, because normally when FS2004 is starting, it says
that could not find such gauges,etc..etc.. The problem is because
most of the gauges were written for FS2002,FS2000 or FS98, and
don't work properly with FS2004, but we can manage that situation
by doing some simply tasks. By Paulo Afonso Pizzato. 299K
- FS2004
Yaw Damper Solution (Download)If you are one of those
that still flying with the Yaw Damper system NOT working... here's
the solution. By Ioshen / José Antonio Moreno. 1.8MB
- FS2004
/ FS2002 - "Flying the 737" This document is intented
to explain the functionality and the advantages of the Boeing
737 jetliner. By Luciano Ferreira (download file - 811K)
- FS2004
/ FS2002 - "Flying the 747" This tutorial is intented
to offer some technical information and flying tips about the
747-400 jetliner. Includes checklists and extra stuff. For FS2002
and FS2004 pilots.- By: Luciano Ferreira (download file. 1.4MB)
(many will apply also to FS2004) |
3 |
FS2000 |
- CFS2
- CFS2
FAQ (Doug Attrell)
- CFS2
Weapons.doc is meant as a Weapons help file/ DP
tutorial and was written in Word. Michael Dennis Starr. (Zip file
- 11K)
- How
to add FS2000 default scenery to CFS2
- CFS2
Improving your Framerates (written for W 98 & CFS2
but can be applied in general)
- Repainting
FS2002 & CFs2 Aircraft: an 11 page tutorial by shine
master Garry Smith
- How
to make FS2002 Aircraft mdl work in CFS2 By Sergio Dolcemascolo
(download file - 185K)
- Making
the AI aircraft in CFS2 Flyable
- CFS2
Take Off Tutorial. A mini-tutorial on how to take
off from any spot on the CFS2 planet without having to make an
airbases.dat entry. Great for designing missions where you take
off from an infrastructure runway, from inside a revetment, or
anytime you want to use the TAKE OFF command where there is no
formal airbase. Fully Illustrated. WORD format. By Cody Coyote
- Cody
Coyote's CFS2 Mission Building Handbook.
A comprehensive guide to building missions and campaigns in CFS2.
Step-by-step tutorials that will take you all the way from simple
through advanced mission design, and finally to creating your
own campaigns. Additional chapters on Moving Objects, Infrastructure,
Hand-editing, Error messages, and many more topics are aimed at
turning you into an experienced and confident mission builder.
From rank novice to seasoned veteran, you will find something
of value in this Handbook. Nine sample missions based on the lessons
covered in the text are included. PDF format, 229 pages. By Cody
Coyote. 15.4MB
FS98 |