Helicopters Robinson R22 beta for FS2000 Repainted by Gaylen
Cates: September 1, 2000 Paradise Helipad This aircraft has
been designed using the fantastic Design Studio Pro by Abacus,
and is my first attempt at aircraft design, so your comments
would be appreciated!! I have not included an R22 panel (although
the bell panel available to use) as I find best results using
the virtual cotpit view and hitting shift+z to bring up basic
airspeed, altitude and heading information. Rob Beard. 547K |
Robinson R22 Beta II Panel for use with any fs2k helicopter.
Optimised for 1024x768x16 display. Now includes default type
fs2k nightlighting and Hour meter gauge. Version 3.04 Sep 2000
By Firstsim98. 506K |

Seaking Rescue Chopper In the Colors of the RAF This completely
new FS2000 programmed model created with FSFD, features fully
moving parts, night lightning, effects of the cockpit, passengers
cabin and pilots lights. Repainting of this model is not allowed
without my permission. Panel by Osvaldo Martinetti: Original
construction by Frans Vranken. 976K |
Seaking Rescue Chopper In the Colors of the Belgian Airforce
This completely new FS2000 programmed model created with FSFD,
features fully moving parts, night lightning, effects of the
cockpit, passengers cabin and pilots lights. Panel by Osvaldo
Martinetti Repainting of this model is not allowed without my
permission. Original construction by Frans Vranken. 989K |

Aerospatiale SE 3130 Alouette II - Israeli Airforce A 5
seat single engine light helicopter. Was used in civilian, military
and agricultural capacities. This model is painted in the Israeli
Airforce paint scheme. Includes animated aircraft, textured
rotors & sound By Shlomo 'Slo Mo' Hakim. 698K |
Seaking In the Colors of the Royal Navy ASW Squadron
(819) This completely new FS2000 programmed model created with
FSFD ,features fully moving parts night lightning effects of
the cockpit, passengers cabin and pilots lights. Repainting
of this model is not allowed without my permission. Panel by
Osvaldo Martinetti: Original construction by Frans Vranken.
Ian Winter 948K |

Westland Seaking Rescue Chopper
In the Colors of the Royal Navy Rescue Squadron (771)which has
permission from the author. This completely new FS2000 programmed
model created with FSFD ,features fully moving parts night lightning
effects of the cockpit, passengers cabin and pilots lights.
Repainting of this model is not allowed without my permission.
Panel by Osvaldo Martinetti:Original construction by Frans Vranken.
. repaint by Ian Winter. 913K |

II Deutsche Heeresflieger This chopper is the version of
the german army. It is a repaint of Shlomo Hakim’s IAF Alouette
Repaint by me and Uli Ferner. Panel by me with a lot of help
from Uli also! The all compilled by Michael Vader (PEGASUS AVIATION
DESIGN). 1.6MB |
209 AH-1G Pandora Cobra Panel This panel works well with
Dwight Booth's Bell 209 AH-1G COBRA "PANDORA'S BOX" I have tested
this panel in FS200. Panel use existing gauges except for stickhand
gauge, included. by J"HEELIX"ALEX. 94K |

Sikorsky CH-34D USMC Choctaw. Here's the venerable workhorse
in USMC colours. A medium helicopter in service for many years,
and still going strong in civilian service, The Choctaw is one
of those designs that define rotary flight for many enthuisiast.
Package features photorealistic textures and actual S-58 sounds.
By Klaus D. Werr. 735K |