a Design Project
Project Source Files
note these are design files - the files used in the design of
aircraft in FS Design Studio or GMax. (see Design
Page for details) - they are NOT useable in FS as they are.
you come up against a brick wall with a design project & think
someone else may be able to pick up where you left off? If so
- this is the place where prospective designers may be able to
deliver your conception out of the hanger & into the virtual
up these files can also be a great way to learn how to design
aircraft & other 3d designs!
donating please include as much info as you can including any
3 views you have been using, scale details & other vital
info. Pass on your hard work!
Note: Use of these files requires the user to adhere to international
copyright law. Unless 'Public Domain' is specified in the file,
permission must be obtained before any subsequent re-distribution
of any of these files. Provided you respects the original authors
wishes permission will most certainly be granted. |
Design home
FSC TXT Template: Ideal & easy template providing essential
info for any designer taking these files. By Felix Rodriguez. (text
file - 'save as') 1K |
Canadair CT-114 Tutor: CT114_Tutor.fsc
Does not include backdrops or any SDL Macros. Overall shape done to
the point where backdrops are no longer needed. I have been designing
this with great care (And affection too!) and I hope this will suit
your needs. I have done this aircraft to closely match the true aircraft
specs and hope you find it to be a pleasure to model. -Public Domain-
By Bonzonie. 203K |
RW-1A Stiletto.
I made this plane just to see how different features in FS Design
Studio worked. Nothing real about it, just a fictional design. Made
to be an advancedtrainer for future F-22 & JSF pilots, it has
the same engine the F-22 and JSF have. 297K |
C-3605 Swiss Federal Aircraft Factory: This was my 1st project
with FSDS - inspired by the regular sighting of one of these wonderful
machines over my house with the beautiful powerful swiss engineered
engine droning peacefully through the sky. Do with it what you like
- it would be great to see someone finish it. Much of the work is
already done. Info - views & photo's included. Pete Daly. 1MB |
Dassault - Breguet / Dornier Alpha Jet. This was another project
I had the typical FSDS experience with (for impatient gubers like
me) - I ran up against a brick wall in regard to the animations -
a twisting & retracting main gear requires SDLEdit - a thing I
just haven't come to terms with yet. Much (most) of the work is done)
............ Views, pics & info enclosed. Pete Daly. 829K |
Fictional CFS2 Bomber: this
was intended to be a large unrealistic bomber for use in cfs2. i know
it isn't great, but its a start. you can use it for whatever you want
i really don't care. all I ask is you give me some credit for it.
by dennis mahan(denn454). 84K |
Boeing F/A-18C Hornet FSC File. This is an FSC file for the
Boeing F/A-18C Hornet Naval Strike Fighter. This one does not have
any backdrops included so I recommend downloading one from
to finish it off. The basic shape is still far from finished. Most
notable are the absence of intakes. The Fuselage, Wings and Nose are
almost done, But you will have to do snap-to-scale to remove any bad
shading and duplicate points. There are no landing gears yet. The
Canopy is done, But you will still have to cut out the cockpit and
build it. Have fun! Kotaro Akikawa (Bonzonie). 98K |
B-2A Spirit FSC File Primary Mission The B-2's primary mission
is to enable any theater commander to hold at risk and, if necessary,
attack an enemy's war-making potential, especially those time-critical
targets which, if not destroyed in the first hours or days of a conflict,
would allow unacceptable damage to be inflicted on the friendly side.
( Here
are the remains of my failed attempt to model the B-2!! Actually,
It's just that I lost interest and moved onto the B-52. The Wings
are almost done, But everything else needs lots of work. I'm not sure
if this was worth releasing, But I thought it was better than letting
this file rot on my CD The cockpit needs extra attention to blending
into the wing, and the engine naccels are absent. ALthough this is
still missing lots of pieces, I hope you'll benefit from it one way
or the other!Good luck building! Kotaro Akikawa (Bonzonie). 40K |
FSC: UK F4M Phantom of the 1980's, I had started it as part
of an RAF 60's-80's series. No doubt I will get back to it in time.
In the meantime please have a go yourselves. In FSDS I scaled the
backdrops at 1 to 14. Views included. Brian Franklin 424K |
Piper PA-28 Cherokee FSC :
This was to be my first project, but I found that I wanted to
design a fast jet. So this one was left on the back burner. It was
going to be the a copy of the plane I learned to fly in G-CWFZ of
Cardiff Wales Flying Club based at Cardiff Airport in Wales (EGFF).
Please could you credit me if you choose to use this FSC. All files
included. By 'Matt' . 945K |
Great Planes Easy Sport .40 As far as I know this is the first
RC plane made sence FS5, and they are very insuperior by todays standards.
This is the Easy Sport .40 by Great Planes. By Dennis Mahan. 25K |
Sky Racer M400***** This is a Gmax file containing a fictional
design of the M400. In reality, the M400 is short, wide, and carries
up to four passengers. This is a racer that is long, narrow, and is
a single-seater. It is entirely complete except for the cockpit. The
reason why I am sending this out like this, is that my computer says
that it has failed to convert it to a *.mdl file. Hopefully someone
will find the solution to this nightmare and e-mail it to me. You
people can do whatever you want with it, but keep in mind that I deserve
credit for the design. .By Jessy Corrales. 24K |
DONOR: David Friswell PROJECT NAME: Piper Pa-32R-300 Lance PROJECT
FILE: Pa32R_300.fsc AIRCRAFT: Piper Pa-32R-300 Lance BACKDROP IMAGES
: 0.853157579898834 FRONT: SCALE FACTOR : 0.853157579898834 SUGGESTED
SEED FLIGHT DYNAMICS: Cessna 182RG. 3 vierws included. 814K |
Browning M2 .50cal Machinegun. FSDS project file, and ready-made
part.fsp 142 polygons 256x256 32bit texture By: David M. Roush, 11-APR-2002 Highly Detailed M2 .50cal ready for insertion
into any FSDS project. The Browing M2 .50cal was introduced in 1937
as an anti tank weapon for use on the French front of WW1 to combat
German Armor. Armor technology has advaced greatly since the M2's
apearance, but it is still in service today with militarys around
the world. Design notes: The Z,and Y axis are set to the wepons pivot
point for easy mounting and adjusting onto you're projects. 38K |
Concept jet fsds.
i made this aircraft to experiement with the tools in fsds and got
stuck on aniamtions basic model is complete although the landing gear
could be improved upon.. thought somebody would find use for it. made
with fsds pro. please give credit when altering these files for your
own use but you can do whatever you like with it. 100K |
F-18 source file. FSDS pro and based upon the origfinal f18 source
file by Kotaro Akikawa. Major changes to the shape of the f18 including
new cockpit, wings, intakes, amongst other things. i ran into dificulties
animating this aircraft so if someone would like to finish it off
i would be greatful. needs gear and animatoins but basic model is
complete. you can finish it off but try to keep original shape of
aircraft. Updated by Darren Walsh. 136K |
Please find enclosed within this winzip file FSDS files and images
of the F111 I've been working on, unfortunately due to time restrictions
and the complexity of some of the F111 features I'm not able to complete
it as I wish! However please feel free to change it etc and hopefully
you can do a better job than me! The three views are very good, and
I've provided a couple of images of the F111 in flight. Good luck!
David Bushell. 805K |
Su-25 "Frogfoot" FSDS source file
Source file for the Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot, the Russian version of
the A-10 Warthog. Please feel free to use. Proper credit would be
appreciated. Kotaro Akikawa. 1MB |
F-4J Phantom FSDS source file
Source file for the F-4J Phantom. Only partly finished. Please feel
free to use. Proper credit would be appreciated. Kotaro Akikawa. 2.5MB |
US Modern Weapons Pack Version 1 Source Files
Here are the FSDS source files for my US Modern Weapons Pack available
for CFS2. Highly accurate but low-detail models. Please feel free
to use in your own projects. I would appreciate it if proper credits
were given. Have fun!! Kotaro Akikawa. 783K |
Westland Lynx AH.7
- This is one of my first "proper" projects and it shows in part from
the quality of construction! Started this Lynx a few months ago but
just don't have the time to finish her. Theres a fair bit of work
to be done, including reworking of the inside, and cockpit. Most of
the exterior is done. Proper credit would be appreciated. Chris Larvin,
DSB Design 2002. 1.3MB |
F22 Broadsword class frigate. features: - landable deck reserved
to helicopter. - very detailed model. - very detailed textures. -
it needs radar movement and to create a landable part in scenery editor.
by Leonardo Cardeal. 211K |
I started this P-59, and found I didnt have the skill to be able to
finish it. I also found that I didn't have the spare time to learn
how. I hope that someone can use it as a good start and complete it.
If I can help with any additional information, or help in some small
way in getting it done. I can be contacted on this site's message
board, bricks4wings. 74K |
Ju EF 128 WWII Jet Fighter .
This file contains 2 gmax files and many images, including backdrops,
to finish (or begin) this aircraft. Much work has been done on the
fuselage. If you download this file please finish the plane for FS2002
&/or CFS2. It is a great plane! You can find more information
about the history, dimensions, weights, performance and artistic impresions
of this plane in www.luft46 .com designed by: Johann Contreras. 294K |
files for FSDS v2 for FS2002 Solotrek XFV.
Some texture maps are included but have not been applied. Also included
are the individual part files. So that the model can be built up peice
by peice to aid proper visualisation from the cockpit. Colin Thwaites.
1.2MB |
Hawker Sea Fury Unfinished Project Hi
to anyone who decides to work on this! Much work has been done - detailed
undercarriage - wheel cutouts - cockpit & more. File includes many
images - latest FSDS2 FSC, 3 views & other info. I didn't run into
any problems or brick wall with this - I just would like to put it
out in case anyone else can finish it - because it's been sitting
in my workshop for a year!! By Pete Daly. 3.2MB |
V-22 Osprey Source Files.
This V22 model was made with Gmax 1.2 by Travis FitzPatrick. No author
restrictions other than credit in the final product. Includes Specs
& 3 views. V22 by Travis FitzPatrick. 1.1MB |
Minbari Flyer Source
Files from the TV show Bablyon 5. This model was created using Gmax
1.2. I created this just for practice, but I thought I would upload
it so someone might finish it. It would be a fun aircraft to fly,
so I hope someone takes the time to finish it out. The model has no
problems, so the only thing that is needed is someone to finish it.
Please be kind and give credit in the finished product. Minbari Flyer
by Travis FitzPatrick. 853K |
V 2 WACO CG-4 fsc Project.
I didn't run into any problem with construction...just lost interest
after the project got stale. Preliminary design was for CFS 2 and
breakaway parts work has been started. Many images, including backdrops.
Most parts backed up as well for editing. 4.5 MB By Steve Daly. 4.6MB |
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley
(RAF early war Medium Bomber) Model and texture by me feel free to
tweak,improve or just mess around with this model. Permission given
to finish for any flight sim though made for CFS3 and would like to
see done for that. Gearbay doors need holes cutting for wheel protrusions
window slits and door on fuselage and fuselage ironing. 748K |
Halifax Unfinished Model and textures. .
Life has got busy with my niteshift so very little time to do what
I would like at the mo. Feel free to tweak,improve or just mess around
with this model but dont sell it without my permission (prefer it
stay freeware) because i want a cut of the earnings if used in commercial
products you greedy people. ;) Permission given to finish for any
flight sim though made for CFS3 and would like to see done for that.
Tia Starry. 1.1MB |
Tie Fighter (.3ds) Project.
Didn't run into anytrouble, just don't know how to make anything else.
Tie Fighter Model, made in CADKEY and exported as a .3ds (3D Studio)
file. I know G-Max can inport this file, but I'm not sure about FSDS2.
Just exterior model only, no cocpit, panel, VC, or anything else.
Would be glad if someone can finish this and would even be nicer if
someone can make a DVC for this. If you do decide to finish this,
then please make it FREEWARE, and make it either FS9 or CFS3, so I
can enjoy it :). Model by Jeff "Stormtropper" Guo. 20MB |
Lockheed F-22 Incomplete Project.
The New ATF. FS2K2 This model was created by FSDSPro 1.4 (not compatible
with FS2004) so as U Guessed its completly Uncomplete U got one front
gear half complete and the others are not! the plane looks good in
the foto as the top one texture! Includes the FSC file so U
can make it better by upgrading it in FSDSPro2 or convert it to G-Max.
Nearly About 2MB |
Whisper Craft. Taken
from the motion picture "The 6th Day". Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
These are my complete project files. Including FSDS v2 FSC file, The
current compiled model & all the pictures I could find on the web
and some screen shots from FS. Colin Thwaites. 1.5MB |
Learjet Project.
I got to the stage where I realised I didn't have enough knowledge
of GMax to do any more work on this so I am putting it up for someone
else to finish it.Basic fuselage and the windows are already made
along with the front landing gear, rear wheels and wings. Requires
a LOT of work. By Mitchel Moriarty. 106K |
Rutan Ares.
Another one of rutan's crazy projects, this time for a ground attack
fighter. basic model is done. some work needs to be done...see readme
for details. 3-views are included. Felipe Belalcazar. 1.2MB
Heinkel 'Lerche' VTOL FSC
by Mark Walsh. 90% complete FSC model for adoption. Requires a cockpit
model and textures, all parts tagged for animation. Feel free to finish
for any sim. 631K |
CFS3 B-29.
This unfinished model is free to be continued and finished by a designer
who can finish the job. it is very basic and simple uptil now. It
has no gears, bombbay, cockpit, control surfaces or engines. also
the turrets are uncomplete. 1.6MB |
F-5A Untextured GMax Source File.
This is an early modeling stage of my current F-5A (here).its
a discarded file cause a this point of modeling y realized that canopy
area has to convexities very hard to modify if its not done form the
beginnig of the polys shaping. then I didnt like the accuracy of the
shapes an started all over again!!! this is not my FINAL gmax source
model, until my beta today,educational purpose only. I really like
to see it in CFS2, CFS3, or anything else but i dont have TIME to
do this. so i hope to see it fliying soon. 61K |
GMax Design Project (unfinished)
Original by GEFA, Aachen, Germany Type AS-105 GD Appr. 42 m long,
12m Wide (Body), 105.000 cu.ft. 1 Pilot + 1 Pass. Powered by Rotax
50 hp Layout "Warsteiner", Ser.Nr. 008 G-BROL Missing in this Project:
- Engine - Pilot - Cockpit - Burner - All Aerodynamical Work. Olaf
Richters. 511K |
Su-35 source file. It is 85% finished. The airframe is complete,
animation is 95% done. But no textures. Please feel free to modify
but please give me credit if you finish it and release as freeware.Copyright
Peter Davies. 960K |
v2 X-35B Project.
For anyone who wanted to know how it was done or liked the original
but feel that bits could be better/different or even if you didn't
like the original and want to redo the whole thing but not have to
workout that nozzle!! Colin Thwaites. 2.5MB |
Unfinished Halo Package:
Banshee, Serph, Pelican, USNC In Amber clad, Covie Dropship, and more...this
contains a lot of pics of the UNSC Pelican dropship, the Halo combat
evolved covent dropship, The halo 2 in amber clad, the serph from
h2, and a banshee. I have put alot of work into these, and hope someone
makes them tick.I have tried to convert these to a Mdl, but too many
polys. The one thing fs 2004 needs. Anon uploader. 16.9MB |
Backfire C model .3ds File.
I started this project in my free time, seeing that a good Tu-22 was
missing from FS. Seeing that I couldn't find much reference I stopped
the project where it is. ~3500 polygons, intended for good FPS. I
also started building a virtual cockpit for it, but it's been left
half-finished too. Made using 3D Studio MAX R7, file provided in .3ds
format. Proper credit would be highly appreciated. Alex Vletsas. 60K |
Seafire Mk 17 GMax Source File:
This is my first model created with GMAX. It is a fair representation
of the real Seafire Mk 17, but it is far from perfect. To encourage
perfecting the model and to make a virtual cockpit for it, I include
the original GMAX source file.Animations and textures all done. Feel
free to modify it but please give me credit if you finish it and release
it as freeware only.Copyright A.F.Scrub. 2.1MB |
SH-9 Aerobatic Trainer Aircraft & Gmax source file.
This a concept trainer designed for advanced areobatics, designed
using Gmax.. Model, Textures and Flight Dynamics By S.Hildrew (HLP
Designs 2006 Copyright) this is freeware and not to be sold. Repaints
welcome. original Gmax file included . 3.4MB |
v2.x Atlantic Wall Bunkers
Released as Limited freeware- November 2006.Abacus FSDS V2.x fcs file
for improvements or just parts. By Jim Jacobson: 417K |
Spitfire MkIX Trainer Source Files.
This project is released as freeware. Non commercial repaints-remakes
from the original GMAX files are welcome but I would appreciate very
much receiving a copy of your model. Perhaps someone can do a decent
Virtual cockpit and perfect the models. These planes are finished
and animated, but the textures are up to you. You need the written
permission of the original authors to use these files for commercial
purposes. . Happy drawing !A.F.Scrub. 1.5MB |
Geoxahasseye Unfinished Concept Flyable thing (?).
Flyable but unfinished with no textures. FS2004-FS2002 This is an
all new simulation TURBOFAN model created from scratch using DOS AutoCAD
textures are The gauges are from the many I have downloaded over the
years. by Alex Hassey . 6.9MB |
II Gmax file.
This is a rough model of the Swordfish II from the anime series Cowboy
Bebop. I just used some pictures of a model kit i found on Google...
so I'm sorry that I cannot provide any 3-views or good sources. Just
credit me for the idea if you decide to take this farther. Ethan Cleigh.
85K |
A300B2, B2F, B4 and B4F 3D-model.
Discontinued project for FS2004/FSX. Has compiled model, final textures
plus all resource files (GMAX, X-file, XML, plain textures). Also
contains GMAX VC source files. Its up to you to make a nice flying
aircraft out of it. Released under GPL3 copyleft license. Read GPL3.TXT
or check out if you want to make mods of this files.
By Thomas Ruth. 46MB |
A300B4-600ST Beluga 3D-model.
Discontinued project for FS2004/FSX. Has compiled model, final textures
plus all resource files (GMAX, X-file, XML, plain textures). Also
contains GMAX VC source files. Its up to you to make a nice flying
aircraft out of it. Released under GPL3 copyleft license. Read GPL3.TXT
or check out if you want to make mods of this files.
By Thomas Ruth. 13MB |
A300B4-600R and B4-600F 3D-model.
Discontinued project for FS2004/FSX. Has compiled model, final textures
plus all resource files (GMAX, X-file, XML, plain textures). Also
contains GMAX VC source files. Its up to you to make a nice flying
aircraft out of it. Released under GPL3 copyleft license. Read GPL3.TXT
or check out if you want to make mods of this files.
By Thomas Ruth. 26.8MB |
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