Misc Page 3 |
Vehicles as facilities by
Wulfmann These are the majority of the stock MS vehicles as
facilities files. They can be added to missions faster and
positioned more easily. Since they are actually means to access
the original file they do not reduce frame rate compared to
moving vehicles. So, don't go crazy or your FPS might go to
3. They are, of course, stationary objects Open zip and drop
into CFS3 Facility folder. That's it. These will be required
for future Ruff-Missions. 16K |
American airplanes as facilities. Here
are most of the stock American airplanes as facilities. They
can be placed anywhere in Mission Builder. When destroyed
on the ground you get credit for an aircraft kill! Unzip these
and drop them into your CFS3, Facilities folder. This is freeware
and may not be sold. Although this has been tested with no
problems, use at your own risk. Wulfmann. 3K |
German airplanes as facilities.
Here are most of the stock German airplanes as facilities.
They can be placed anywhere in Mission Builder. When destroyed
on the ground you get credit for an aircraft kill! Unzip these
and drop them into your CFS3, Facilities folder. This is freeware
and may not be sold. Although this has been tested with no
problems, use at your own risk. Wulfmann. 4K |
British Airplanes as facilities.
Here are most of the stock British airplanes as facilities.
They can be placed anywhere in Mission Builder. When destroyed
on the ground you get credit for an aircraft kill! Unzip these
and drop them into your CFS3, Facilities folder. This is freeware
and may not be sold. Although this has been tested with no
problems, use at your own risk. Wulfmann. 3K |
Nationality Expansion Kit ~ Redux Edition
- Required Main File. The CFS3 Nationality Expansion
Kit (NEK) ~ Redux Edition adds 14 nationalities to CFS3 in
a standardized format along with 40 new pilot biographies,
22 repainted pilot models, medal images for the Royal Navy,
Free France, Italy, Japan, Russian & the US Navy as well as
several other support files. The new nationalities are used
by various add-on aircraft, and missions, in the Quick Combat,
Single Mission and Multiplayer environments. The new nationalities
can also be used to develop modified campaigns. The NEK corrects
some errors in the stock files which control the cutscenes
and user interface (UI) for more reliable operation; plus,
it adds support for aircraft and vehicle spawning over previously
undefined areas of the CFS3 map such as Italy. Finally, for
extra convenience, the NEK now includes the "RAF County Switcher"
(cswap.exe) by Charles Simpson and Martin Wright. The Redux
Edition of the NEK supercedes all previous editions and parts;
the old version and parts are no longer supported. It is safe
to install the Redux Edition over top of the previous versions.
Optional Voice Pack and Advanced Animation installers, designed
for the Redux Edtion, are available as well. Follow the steps
in the NEK Installation document to get started. Cheers, Rick
Rutherford. 23.3MB |
Nationality Expansion Kit ~ Voice Packs
- Optional. You must add the appropriate voice pack
files (.GVP files) to CFS3 for the new nationalities to work
properly when giving your wingmen commands in Quick Combat
(QC) and missions. The files included in this installer are
the stock CFS3 files renamed as required to provide the GVP
files for all 14 nationalities added by the CFS3 NEK ~ Redux
Edition. This saves the steps of having to copy and rename
them yourself. Rick Rutherford. 9.8MB |
Nationality Expansion Kit ~ Advanced Animations
- Optional. CFS3 will display the new pilot characters
included with the NEK ~ Redux Edition in the cockpit and when
you initially eject. However, after that, the prescripted
animations (ie. the cutscenes) at the end of most flight situations
and in the interactive user interface (UI) are tied to a single
pilot character for each nationality. This package adds the
customized cutscene files for the 14 new nationalities added
by the NEK ~ Redux Edition. Without these files the cutscenes
for the new nationalities will still work but will display
one of the stock pilot characters instead. Although these
files will enhance your enjoyment of the NEK, they are optional.
People who disable the UI or who have slow download connections
should probably not download this package. 293MB |
Gun Sights Change
your gun sights to this slick looking gun sight. Cut and paste
recticule.dds & recticle_us.dds to a different location (location
below) Then copy & paste these 2 files to your CFS3\aircraft\shared
folder thats it. Designed by AirAce 12KB |
New Target Brackets.
These files contains new target brackets in 4 diferent forms
and colours. Johann Steve Contreras. 50K |
B-24 Splashscreen. Image
author: Jim Laurier Image name:R-Bar Over Bielefeld And I
Johann Steve do the small work for CFS3. 1.5MB |