Flag Correction.
These files are made to make the German flag more correct for
CFS3 in that time period. I'm a stickler for realism. Over write
the DDS file in your stock g_flagpole folder, and over write
the Bitmap image in your stock ger folder from your stock uries
folder.And welcome to my Politically correct realism. Peter
J. Dowling. 522K |
Stick Map.
Improvement on my older cfs_map.zip This is a Joystick configuration
file. Namely a CH HOTAS MAP file for MS CFS3. Includes high
quality blank templates for making your own CH map diagrams.
HOTAS: CH Products Pro Throttle USB, Pro pedals USB, and Fighterstick
USB. Uses toebrakes, has an example using the new CH CMS scrript
coding. Mapping by Bill King. 259K |
109's Sound For CFS3
! I'm tired of all the German 109's sounding like a bunch of
glorified Lawnmowers. I re-wrote the sound file to make it sound
more like a Hand cranked Started Bf 109. I especially like the
Flyby sounds. Overwrite the Wave Sound in your stock sound folder,
This sound will make all the ai Fighters sound more realistic.
Overwrite the Sound folder in your stock bf_109g_6 folder.These
sounds improve the game. They sound more like the real thing!
Peter J. Dowling. 7MB |
sound for CFS3
! I mixed differen't sound bytes to get it as real as I could
get it.I'm tired of the Fw190's sounding like a big Garbage
Grinder. Just overwrite the stock fw_190a_5 sound folder with
this one...then Wahoo! If you liked my other sounds... You'll
like this one. Peter J. Dowling. 5MB |
Key Commands.
This document is in Excel, Word and Notepad formats. I thought
this might be a help for everyone in playing CFS 3. Enjoy and
if you have any comments or questions please e-mail me. Kevin
Ryan. 18K |
For All Systems!
Hints & Tips of how to get CFS3 to run smoothly & effectively
on your PC system! By RAAF453_Shep CO. 719K |
6 Group Squadrons. This
zip file includes the Badges of all the Squadrons of 6 Group
From 1943 to 1945. By Garth Barber. 897K |
weapons- and gun-files
Here are the barrel armaments of the flying world for CFS3 up
to 1945. It is the first edition. By Hilmar Rülke. 501K |