Flying Made Easy "er" .
. If you've
ever tried flying the Bell 206 in FS98 or 2000 . . and you are
NOT a chopper qualified pilot yet then you probably gave up
in disgust and believed all those comment from the sim forums
that the Microsoft flight dynamics are not very realistic. You
are missing a real treat. Real chopper pilot Dave Cook shows
us how in this downloadable word document.
192K |
RAF CH1 Chinook A twin-turbine, tandem-rotor, heavy-lift
transport helicopter. Model includes an opening loading ramp,
moving parts night textures and more. Panel by Michael Vader.
Model and sound by Shlomo 'Slo Mo' Hakim. 3.2MB |


Late model Bell 47G Includes panel and sound files. Uses
fs2k default gauges. Sound files are mix/modified various downloads
Org. artists are unknown. Everything else is original Designed
by Monte L. Caudill. File size 1167384 |

Bell 206B Ski Chopper (Fictional) Replacement textures for
the default Bell 206 with custom paint in fictional Ski helicopter
livery. By Humperdink Gilbert. 80K |

Robinson R22 Beta II Helicopter with Animated Rotors, Panel
with Gauges This is a new Model, totaly different from version
2.20 Superb Flying Characteristics Update Version 3.01 December
1999 By Firstsim98 File size 391K |
Bell H-13H M*A*S*H Includes animated rotors panel and sound
files. Uses fs2k default gauges. Designed by Monte L. Caudill.
1.2MB |
Bell 412SP - Bill's Australian Rescue Series Aircraft design
by Deane Baunton 1999 Flight Dynamics & Panel by Tim Harris
Repaint by Bill (Blue-Goose) Robinson (Canberra, ACT, Australia)
. Animated rotors and mods by P. Jorg 25/7/1999 So far in the
series: ACT SouthCare (1) This repaint of the SouthCare helicopter
replaces my previous version of the same helicopter. New South
Wales NRMA CareFlight (2) Queensland RACQ CareFlight. 169K |