Sino Swearingen SJ30-2 executive
jet. An FSDS aircraft with moving fans, gear, ailerons, rudder,
flaps, slats and stabilator. By Chuck Dome. 130K |



Replacement texture - EG&G Boeing 737-400 This is an FS2000
replacement texture. The secretive EG&G 737s fly out of McCarran
International Airport in Las Vegas, NV to Groom Lake test facility
every week day to transport the company's technicians. This
EG&G 737-400 replacement texture models the color scheme of
the actual 737-200s used by EG&G. This aircraft is what the
EG&G 737-400s would look like if the company ever upgraded from
their 737-200s. Texture painted by: Paul Kucher. This Texture
is Copyright 2000 Paul Kucher. 194K |

747 Boeing 747-400VIP TEXAS LONE STAR STATE (N053TX) Boeing
747-400VIP for FS2000 Version 1.5 (Rolls Royce RB211) This aircraft
has been completely built from scratch and features a 32-sided
fuselage, 64-sided engines, complete animation of ailerons,
spoilers, elevators, rudders, landing gears, "sliding flaps"
and also features spinning engine fans and a steerable nosewheel.
Designed by Melvin Rafi Flight dynamics by Johan Dees. Paint
by Salvador González Velasco. 730K |

Mexicana Boeing 757-200 (N758MX Vamos por más). Mexicana
operate the Boeing 757-200 Features fully moving/animated landing
gear, flaps, elevators, ailerons, airbrakes, moving fan blades,
3D engines and realistic night lighting. Original Design: J.
Kartychak & N. Cramer Paint by Salvador González Velasco. famgonve@prodigy.net.mx
I'm working on new airplanes, because Mexicana airlines announces
to renew his flee and I will be working on the new prototypes
(Boeing 737, 767 and 777), these aircrafts will be in your favorite
site a soon as possible. 445K |
