Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-400 ER (ProMax2001) Same features
as the ProMax2000 (maximum moving parts) Plus a new 3D engine
with rotating fan blades and vapor trails. Design and paint
by: Camil Valiquette. 93K |



Air France Boeing 777-200 (ProMax2001) Same features as
the ProMax2000 (maximum moving parts) Plus a new 3D engine with
rotating fan blades and vapor trails. Also this model is including
the lighting-tail for FS2000. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
95K |
South Central Airways 737-400. It is a texture only file
and should be used to replace the existing 737-400 texture file.
South Central Airways is a VA whos main hub is at Charlotte/Douglas
Int'l Airport, NC. By 'General' John Dumas. 40K |


and FS98 Boeing 727-200, Air France. V.2.0 Full Moving Parts
(FMP) and Full Precision Design (FPD). Rudder, elevators, ailerons,
flaps, slats, Krueger flaps, spoilers, landing gear, undercarriage
open/close sequence, landing lights, steerable nose wheel, tail
skid, 12 sides fuselage and engines design, semi-photorealistic
textures, new engine design for noise reduction (hushkits),
trasnparent windshield, and much more! By E. Diaz. |

and FS98 Boeing 727-200, Delta Air Lines. V.2.0 Full Moving
Parts (FMP) and Full Precision Design (FPD). Rudder, elevators,
ailerons, flaps, slats, Krueger flaps, spoilers, landing gear,
undercarriage open/close sequence, landing lights, steerable
nose wheel, tail skid, 12 sides fuselage and engines design,
semi-photorealistic textures, new engine design for noise reduction
(hushkits), trasnparent windshield, and much more! By E. Diaz. |

and FS98 Boeing 727-200, Lufthansa. V.2.0 Full Moving Parts
(FMP) and Full Precision Design (FPD). Rudder, elevators, ailerons,
flaps, slats, Krueger flaps, spoilers, landing gear, undercarriage
open/close sequence, landing lights, steerable nose wheel, tail
skid, 12 sides fuselage and engines design, semi-photorealistic
textures, new engine design for noise reduction (hushkits),
trasnparent windshield, and much more! By E. Diaz. |