TA-4J Skyhawk 'VC-8'. Douglas TA-4j Skyhawk of VC-8 'Redtails'
operating out of Naval Station Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico.
Bu. No. 154312. VC-8 is today the last US Navy squadron to fly
the TA-4j Skyhawk. Original by Deane Baunton. Moving Parts by
Lewis Magruder. Repaint by Jens-Ole Kjølberg. 221K |

Lockheed F-117 Stealth
[STSTEALTH.ZIP] Lockheed F-117A precision attack stealth aircraft
"Nighthawk". This model is an FS2000 model featuring moving
outside elevons as ailerons, inside elevons as flaps, rudders,
landing gears, landing lights, and landing gear covers in smooth
animation. By Shigeru Tanaka. 258K |

aircraft - USAF Lockheed Martin F-16C update USAF Lockheed
F-16C Fighting Falcon - update to v1.50 - for use only with
my original file FSDSF16C.zip - fixed problem of red dots, set
smoke on .air file, add other details, moving nozzle with different
interior textures, texture of afterburner (instead of yellow
circle), modified navigation and strobe light, add light beam
of landing and taxi light, and other. By Giuseppe Chiacchietta
(Bepino). 609K |



F16c V1.50 -FS2000 ONLY- Original design by Giuseppe Chiacchietta
(Bepino) V1.50 January 2001. 3 fictionals paints : Green, Sand
and Tigermeet revision, by Y-Raymond. 1.5MB |

T-2 Buckeye naval jet trainer Visual model by Kirk Olsson.
This aircraft is for FS2000. This aircraft comes with full
moving parts, and is a detail model of the T-2 Buckeye. The
T-2 Buckeye is a Naval jet trainer used by the U.S. Navy.
Aircraft was made with FS Design Studio Pro. 1.1MB



Lockheed C-130H Blue Angels "Fat Albert" This is the current
Supportplane for the U.S.Navy Blue Angels Demo-team Featuring
full animated parts, Highly realistic textures, Nightlighting
Original design: Barry Blaisdell. Flight Dynamics: Jens Borgstroem
Repaint By: Bjorn Groen. 282K |