- Classic panel for 11AC Aeronca Chief. This panel is
an adaptation from "aeronpan.zip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false"> with a grey wood grain as
the real 1946 model. by Yannick Lavigne. 1.06MB
King-Air 90 panel for FS2000 This archive contains a panel
bitmap and configuration file ready for panel designers' to
complete as desired. By Vanessa Leightower. 428K |
Top Avionics 747-400 v1.5. Completely rebuild for FS2000.
Includes 3 high precision CRTs and many other new analog gauges.
Some features : Navigation Display with navaid IDs, PFD with
Flight Director, complete EICAS, A/P armed modes, fuel management,
standby navaid freqs, etc. Needs Navigation Data for ND Map
mode and Flight Plan - see below. SHAREWARE
(17 US$). By Tony D'Ambrosio. 919K |

Top Avionics 777-300 v1.3. Completely rebuild for FS2000.
Includes new versions of RealCRT gauges and many other new analog
ones. FREE for registered users of TA747-400 panel. Needs Navigation
Data for Navigation Display Map mode and Flight Plan. (Aircraft
not provided - see below) By Tony D'Ambrosio.(SHAREWARE)
849K |
Data Display Gauges - Database utility for Navigation Display
MAP/PLAN modes. Updated version with Flight Plans management,
etc... Needs at least one of the following panels: A320- A330-
A340-RCS, B717-RCS, TA747-400, TA777-300. By Tony D'Ambrosio.
2.8MB |

Deluxe Panel for FS2000 Ver 1.1 This panel uses the FS2000
GPS 2 configurations. One for FS2k Pro and one for FS2k standard.
The only difference is that the FS2k pro version has has the
FD switch. Includes an FS2000 based performance "air" file by
John J Schumacher. 535K |

737-300/400/500 Version 2 Accurate Panel UPDATE!!!! by Oliver
Minchin This panel has 95% accurate placement of guages, made
from many photos. Best viewed in 1024 x 768 or higher. New update
fixes missing combi/backup attitude indicator problem. Also
adds 3 part fuel guage as in real 737-300/400/500. Also corrects
minor problems!. 733K |
Deluxe Panel for FS2000 ver 2.1 This version features
improved placement, frame rates, 6 to 7 resizable MFD's, and
increased night lighting. Uses the FPDA Pushback, Altitude
Callouts, Gear, Trim and Wind sounds, Seatbelt/No Smoking
signs, Fuel Calculater, Internal views and FS2000 GPS Optional
configuration to include GPS98-ver3, and Navstar99 (Night
lighted) Also Includes an improved FS2000 based air and reference
file for the B757-200. by John J Schumacher. 2.9MB. Patch
views 747 (pre 400) Here are some replacement or addon
wingviews for the 747. Photo taken by Craig Murray. Edited
for FS2000 by Ron Beal. 764K