BAe146 PANEL. This panel and many gauges, originally for
FS98, have been repainted and made compatible for FS2000 This
panel has all gauges and controls on four panels, which all
should be clearly readable:Gen. Marcello Lugari. 2.5MB
Full Screen View Panel . For Fs2000 Pro Edition This Panel
is intended to be used with any aircraft, and it will provide
the basic information you'll need to fly withouth filling your
screen. Design and Conception: Carlos Silva.
CF-18/A Panel This version of a CF-18/A panel incorporates
digital readout gauges as well as FS2K default backup gauges.
High res bitmaps based on rework of Jeff Leezman's F-16 panel
and F-18 panel photos. Designed for the CF-18A series by Dean
Reimer, but will work well for any Hornet. 1.2MB
/ FS2000 - Panels Yak panel This panel has been done for
the early Yakovlev WW II fighters. it has been tested on CFS
as on FS2000. Done by Michael Vader PEGASUS AVIATION DESIGN.