Panel turbo prop 1st officer For FS2000 Pro Aircraft: Saab
340 B First Officer, or Similar Aircraft Designed: Marcelo Cánovas
Original Bitmap: SF340B First Officer Panel by Eric Ernst. 190K |
B737- 200/300 analog panel - Using the forward visor of
the 737 bmp of Vanessa Lightower's recent 737, this panel is
built around it with bmps of upper window and upper panel with
gauges from Abacus and flight sim 2000. res. 800X600 - 08/2000
- Charles Wilcox. 3.9MB |
Panel - V-22 Osprey Panel Version 3 by David Giles. Updated
V-22 panel for use with MV-22 and CV-22 Osprey aircraft by Shlomo
Hakim. Now optimized for FS2000 with all previous fixes included
and some instrument re-arrangement. Includes stock FS2000 GPS
integrated with the panel. 353K |


Piper PA28 Arrow panel. Includes a complete panel that uses
almost only default gauges. By Tommy Soderqvist, Michael Verlin,
Jim Turner, Ray Pennington and Andre' Mostert. 246K |

Pc-12 panel for FS 2000. Made with standard gauges. By
Pmccarty. This panel is not photorealistic, but does have
the gauges located where they should be for a Pc-12. I had
to enlarge them and squeeze them together a little to get
them to fit in the proper manner. The gauges I chose may not
be totally realistic for this aircraft, but they are close
enough to be useful. 183K
FS2000) Panel for the Bombadier Dash8-Q400, Version 1, by
Scott Thomas and David Ramsey. The Q-400 is the latest in the
Dash8 regional turboprop lineage. It departs from the other
Dash8's in that, among other things, the panel uses CRT's instead
of analog gauges and has a cruise speed of 350 kts! This panel
was designed from photos of a real Q-400 panel, with a lighter
face than most. This file contains two versions, one with "Real
Crt" from Tony D'Ambrosio, and one with all freeware gauges.
Recommended for 1028x760 resolution. 2.8MB |