42/72 panel for fs2000 only. Uses exclusively fs2k default
gauges. Included fs2000 atr42-500 *.air file, flight dinamics
by Stefano Caputo; Panel Bitmap by N.G.Douath; Gauge rework
for fs2000 by Marco Spada - PVI Roma. Engine gauges and engines
start are active only with included air file. 51K |

MD 11, from or project named: Fly away 2000. The first
version was maked by Eelco Poelsma and this final version
is maked by Frank Elfert. I have fixed some bugs and I have
edit GPS and Radiostuck, and a more realistic look. This panel
is also VCP2000, GPWS 98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible
This panel includes: GPS, radio stuck, intergrated throttle
and an intergrated compass And I have also included a winamp
skin from a KLM Royel Dutch Air MD 11, for the winamp users.by:
Frank Elfert/Project: Fly away 2000. 1.6MB

Boeing 747-200. This is highly realistic captain panel for
the boeing 747-200. This panel has a lots of special things:
Autospoiler that deployes at the speed you set. Special fuel
system. VCP2000, GPWS 98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible
This also panel includes: GPS, throttle, intergrated radio stuck
and intergrated compass And i have also included a winamp skin
from a 747-200 panel, for the winamp users. by: Frank Elfert.
1.9MB |
F-14 CIVIL PANEL Original BMP by Dino Cattaneo Retextured
and design modification by Joshua Alex "HEELIX" AVIONICS Another
Civilian panel by J"HEELIX"ALEX. HI RESOLUTION fictitious panel
for Dino Cattaneo's excellent FS2000 Pro GRUMMAN F-14A TOMCAT
3.0. Retextured and design 800x600 panel with FS2000 GPS, Radio
Stack, Auto Pilot all active display instruments. Panel tested
in FS2000 Pro 1024x768 32. Instruments and switches very responsive
day or night. 1.5MB |
Alternative learjet panel, but you can also use it for other
small airliners: radiostuck and intergrated throttle controles,
compass and GPS. This panel is also fully compatible VCP2000,
GPWS 98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible. I have tested this
panel with the Learjet 45 and an Astra IPX, and i did not find
any problems. I have also included my own maked skin from a
Gulfstream V, for the winamp users. Reconfigured by Frank Elfert.
1.6MB |
Boeing 767-400ER: Radiostuck, throttle controles, compass
and GPS. This panel is also fully compatible VCP2000, GPWS 98/2000
and Airport 2000 V2 compatible. I also have include some pictures
of my own, on my vacation to Dubai. And of course you also can
find a winamp skin! Reconfigured by Frank Elfert. 2.2MB |
Alternative fighter jet panel,
this panel included: GPS, radiostuck and throttle controles.
and an intergrated compass. This panel is also VCP2000, GPWS
98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible. I have tested this panel
with a F14 and an F 16, and i didn't find any problems. Reconfigured
by Frank Elfert. 400K |
737-500: Radiostack, throttle controles, compass and GPS.
This panel is also good to use for computers, who have a low
frame rate in FS 2000. This panel is also fully compatible VCP2000,
GPWS 98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible. And of course you
also can find a winamp skin! Reconfigured by Frank Elfert. 779K |

737-200 Panel dfb/v.1 - FS 2000 Professional ONLY
- Here is my first attempt at panel design. This panel is made
as close as I could get for the really cool Boeing 737-200 series
aircraft that are showing up on the internet for FS2K professional.
I have been having a great time flying this panel while trying
to make it as real as possible.Has several internal views in
addition to main view. So far it works great! Reconfigured by
Dale Britton from an original Aldo Mazzucchelli bitmap &
gauges from many talented developers. 3.7MB |