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Panels Page 37
FS2000 British Aerospace BAe146 Panel Realistic and very detailled Panel with a painted Bitmap (no scanned elements) for the BAe146. This Panel ist NOT an Update of the ARJ Panel, it's a completely new one with correct analog Gauges. The Panel containes a lot of functions like GPWS, full working Annunciator Panel (no dummies), realistic startup procedure including APU, all warning lights with real functions (some with sounds), full working Flight Director and many more. Almost 150 Gauges divided in the Main- and Overhead Panel but nevertheless not disordered. Almost all instruments are illuminated at night. By Matthias Lieberecht. 6.2MB
FS2000 Airbus A330 wing views. The can be used with all FS2000 Airbus A330 or A340 aircraft. Frank Elfert. 851K
MD 11 wing views. The can be used with all FS2000 MD 11's or with DC 10 aircrafts. Also with aircrafts. Frank Elfert. 923K
FS2000 Boeing 777 replacement rear view. Gives passenger compartment view.. Frank Elfert. 969K
FS2000 747-400 Wing View. The can be used with all FS2000 767-200-300 and 400 aircrafts. Also with aircrafts who have allready got internal views!!!. Frank Elfert. 901K
FS2000 767 wing views. The can be used with all FS2000 767-200-300 and 400 aircrafts. Also with aircrafts who have allready got internal views!!!. Frank Elfert. 555K
FS2000 Generic Turbo Prop Panel v.1.1. Generic Turbo Prop Panel.For Any Twin Turbo Prop Aircraft. David Burgin. 1.5MB

FS2000 DC 9 Combi Panel! Yes this panel has a captain and a co-pilot panel as well! You can even switch between the two panels when you are flying! This panel got all the usual things, like GPS, throttle, cabin sign's, compass and a real working wiper! Frank Elfert. 2.8MB
Boeing Blended Wing Body, for the aircraft from Marcel Scherwionke. This is Boeing's aircraft for the future. This panel got all the usual things. This panel is also fully compatible with: GPWS 98/2000, airbus warning sounds, Airport 2000 V1 and V2, Flightdeck 2000 and Start up 98. 1.9MB
FS2000 Airbus A320 wing views Left and right views included, 8 Bith-color depth, 1024 x 768 resolution Photo by Cédric Justin, reworked by Thomas Baumgartner. 280K