
Pillan Fuerza aerea Dominicana V1.0 T-35 advanced trainer
for many latin american air forces such Chile,Argentina,Salvador,espana
Guatemala, Republica Dominicana, Originally designed with kit
airplane but later he employed in air club and airforce, this
airplane was made for chile beginning 1990. Model and Textures:
Carlos Garcia G. 407K |

NASA Beechcraft Duke B60. This is the Beechcraft Duke B-60
aircraft painted in White with red trim and aluminum underbelly,
and NASA logo on the side. An FSDS aircraft with full moving
parts, 512x512 textures and a custom night-lit panel for twin
turbocharged aircraft. This aircraft made with the addition
of transparent windows and a virtual cockpit. All flight surfaces
are moveable, retractable landing gear.Aircraft and panel by
Chuck Dome. Public domain. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 1MB |

Helio Super Courier 295 The Helio Super Courier is a light
utility transport developed from a civilian design first tested
in 1949. Its short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability allows
it to operate from a clearing the size of a football field,
and its ability to fly very slowly at speeds of approximately
25 to 35 mph makes it an excellent aircraft for visual reconnaissance.
This model has full moving control surface parts, including
leading edge slats, and also includes rolling wheels and moving
yokes. Full documentation is included complete with checklists.
Also included is a panel, complete with 360 degree views. This
model also has a selectable cargo pod that will change the flight
characteristics when deployed. Model, paint, and air file by
Steven Grant. Panel by Fred Choate. 1.6MB |
Beechcraft Duke B60. This is the Beechcraft Duke B-60 aircraft
painted in High Gloss Reddish Orange with Red trim, White underbelly,
and serial number on the side. An FSDS aircraft with full moving
parts, 512x512 textures and a custom night-lit panel for twin
turbocharged aircraft. This aircraft made with the addition
of transparent windows and a virtual cockpit. All flight surfaces
are moveable, retractable landing gear.Aircraft and panel by
Chuck Dome. Public domain. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 1.1MB |

Cessna C-177RG Cardinal Originally designated the 172J,
the 177 has an unbraced catilever monoplane wing that makes
it easy to identify from it's 172/182 siblings. It's sleek airframe
and 180hp-200hp Lycoming engine makes it fairly fast and it
is perfect plane for cross country flying. This is the retractable
gear version and it is designated 177 RG. Cardinals were made
until 1978. This FSDS design includes full moving parts, virtual
cockpit, transparent canopy with glass reflections and an instrument
panel with 360 degree cockpit bitmaps. Designed by Mikko Maliniemi.
Repainting septembre 2001 by JM Potier in real French Gendarmerie
colors. 2.7MB |

Helio Super Courier 295 Float Plane The Helio Super Courier
is a light utility transport developed from a civilian design
first tested in 1949. Its short takeoff and landing (STOL)
capability allows it to operate from a clearing the size of
a football field, and its ability to fly very slowly at speeds
of approximately 25 to 35 mph makes it an excellent aircraft
for visual reconnaissance. This model has full moving control
surface parts, including leading edge slats, moving yokes,
and splash sounds. Full documentation is included complete
with checklists. Also included is a panel, complete with 360
degree views. Model and air file by Steven Grant. Panel and
paint by Fred Choate. 2MB

STD/PRO Bombardier Cnadair CL215 This is the virtual model
for Fs2000 of the famous canadian built fire fighting amphibious
plane used by many european operators. The model here presented
shows the older original version with two piston radial engines
as once used by the italian "Corpo forestale dello stato". The
model made with FSDS from ABACUS features full moving parts
with a realistic rendered motion of the main gear, a nose wheel
steering, rolling wheels and pilots in a virtual cockpit. Model,
panel and textures by Massimo Taccoli, air file by Andrea Cini.
1.9MB |

Hunting Percival P66 Pembroke C.1. RAF.
The P66 Pembroke was used for light transport by RAF, but also
by several other countries. This version is painted in RAF colours.
Liveries included for serials WV740 and XL929 of the Royal Airforce.
By Bertil Nilsson. 1.2MB |

NASA Eagle 150 Test Vehicle.
Painted in aluminum and orange textures. An FSDS aircraft with
custom gauges, moving pilot and moving parts by Chuck Dome.
This upgrade adds a transparent cockpit and several new textures.
Original by Chuck Dome. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni Public Domain.
568K |