Seaplane Base For FS2000. For Alaskan bush pilots and those
who require seaplane facilities in Juneau, Alaska, this download
adds docking with aviation fuel, an office , a store, and overnight
lodging. For those who use FS Traffic, the download includes
a set of tracks for seaplanes and wheeled aircraft at PAJN.
The FS tracks file will turn the Juneau airport into a rather
busy terminal, so watch your airspace. For FS2000. By Dave Erickson.
Size 1.08 MB |
terrain mesh file, based on elevation points spaced 30 meters
apart, covers an area centered on Los Angeles International
(KLAX), California, USA. Reputed for having mild weather year
round, Los Angeles is surrounded by mountainous terrain. From
Van Nuys to Santa Ana, many aiports are included in this area.
By Orlando Sotomayor. 2.3MB |
- Martha's Vineyard Part 1
+ Part
2 - Nanthucket - Cape Cod - (Massachussetts) Photorealistic
- High Resolution - Terrain Mesh by Raimondo Taburet Covers
the whole of Martha's Vineyard - Nanthucket - Cape Cod - (Massachussetts).
To Build this scenery I've to put toghether 302 Orthographic
Photographs - Have a good flight!! and enjoy the Real World
Scenery - toped up with an extremely precise terrain mesh of
the area - bearing in mind there are not mountains and we only
record maximum altitude of 50 to 80 m. This scenery is divided
in part 1 mas_a.zip - and part 2 mas_b.zip - for easy downloads.
Both files are required to run the scenery - mas_b.zip contains
only textures. 3.8 & 5.8MB |

Cargo facility.
Somewhere between Purkypile and Nugget Bench, Alaska lies the
HighRidge Cargo facility! With a 3700' runway, this is not a
place for faint hearted pilots. So strap in, down your flaps,
and take a visit. Scenery author: Smitty Calhoon. 32K |

Scenery -- Bermuda Triangle and Aeroworks Flight Test Center
This scenery includes a three small fictional islands in the
very center of the Bermuda Triangle. The main island is Rio
Palm Isle and is home to Aeroworks Flight Test Center # 1 where
there are numerous static aircraft and airport service vehicles
as well as ships, helipads, and three runways of varying lengths
including a challenging STOL runway. Includes navigational aids
and works in conjunction with FS2000's AFD and shows up on FS2000
GPS. Requires Airport 2.10 and VOD 3.0 textures. Scenery and
static aircraft by Jason L. Terry. 850K |
This FS2000 terrain mesh file, based on elevation points spaced
30 meters apart, covers Glacier National Park, Montana, USA.
The park covers over 1 million acres of forests, lakes, meadows,
and high rocky peaks. Massive ancient glaciers grinding over
the bedrock below produced the spectacular landforms seen today.
By Orlando Sotomayor. 4.4MB |
George Flats" FS200 Bush Pilot Scenery Doc George Flats
is created and dedicated to a great macro and scenery designer
for the many hours he spends creating his works and helping
others learn more about FS2000. This scenery package can be
added to ANY active FS2000 scenery directory without using the
FS Scenery Library or messing with the Scenery.cfg file. Includes
ALL files necessary for a FULL installation. BY: Ken Nelson.
2.7MB |