FSDS 2.0 F-86 D SABRE (this is the 1st release of an aircraft
designed in the new FSDS V2 program) The first XP-86 prototype
flew on 1 October 1947, powered by a 3,750-pound thrust G.E.
J35 engine. After it was re -engined with a more powerful
G.E. J47 turbojet the following spring, it was redesignated
the YP-86A, and exceeded the speed of sound in a shallow dive.
This model is fully animated with clear openning canopy, stearable
nose wheel, rolling wheels, reflective textures, vc detailed
pilot figure, spoilers, smoke system with contrails and FS2002
lights. FDE, paint, and model by:Rey Lopez. 1.2MB
see virtual
cockpit update below
EMB-TXOP - Jet of combat single-seat from EMBRAER - BRAZIL
Single-seat with advanced metallic leagues and material composites.
Controls type "fly-by-wire", avionics of last generation, to
pilot type "HOTAS" and active system for relief of aerodynamic
gusts. Substitute airplane to F-5E and Mirage of FAB. Model
for FS2002. FSDS design and texture by J R Lucariny. 573K |
ATF Lockheed (F-22 Concept)
This is The original ATF modeled by lockheed is like The F117
witch have a V Wings with vectored thrust Includes full moving
parts. Original air file by Dean Reimer edited By zahid Model
Designed by Zahid Texture by Zahid sound by Jesse Wheeler panel
by Eric Marciano Air File by Dean Reimer Design Program FSDS
Pro. 2.63 MB |
T-45 Goshawk United States Navy.
New air file optimized for carrier operations of the Boeing
T-45 Goshawk. Included also procedures for carrier operations.
Model and Red Arrow textures by Mikko Maliniemi and Owen Hewitt,
the US Navy by Justin Lamb, air file by Benoit M. Dube. 4.2MB |
MILITARY TRANSPORT - FS2002 Model: FAB - BRASIL - designer and
texture JRLucariny C-295 CASA Aircraft for logistic and tactical
transport, transport and launching of loads and troops, air
medical evacuation, maritime patrol, humanitarian missions and
others. Efficient, versatile and robust, the C-295 is a tool
important for the Armed Forces, being capable to carry through
any mission. 2.1MB |