This is my second Borg ship my frist was the Borg Cube but now
you can have the Borg Sphere This one has a much better panel
and it was also programed in FSDS. Designed By:Matthew Betz.
2.4MB |
Enterprise 1701-D Untextured.
I made this in FSDS in 2 days so if there are any bugs do not
be suprised. Also I could not get the right textures for it
so feel free to texture it. By: Matthew Betz. 378K |

Goodyear Blimp Package.
Goodyear Blimp airship model GZ-20A in three liveries: Columbia,
Eagle, Stars & Stripes. Features realistic lighter-than-air
flight model, animated "Skytacular" night sign, photorealistic
panel and interior views, fully animated moving parts. By
Anders Jermstad. 14.8MB
Goodyear Blimp for FS2002 update. This flight dynamics
update will correct the blimp's tendency to cruise in a nose
down attitude. Update only, requires gdyr2k2.zip. Goodyear
Blimp by Anders Jermstad. Update suggested by Kevin Bryan.
Flightplan from April 20, 1925
Hi While strolling through Berlin, I happened upon a stand that
was selling copies of this Junkers Timetable for 50 Pfennig.
I was thinking someone could use this to build an Adventure
for FS 2002 or whichever- possibly using Pierino Primavesi's
beautiful Junkers Ju-52. Its rather large so that you can zooom
into the details. I assume the copyright is Landesbildstelle
Berlin as is stated at the bottom of Karte although if this
stand was printing tons of copies, it probably can't hurt to
post it. But selling may be a no no. Roger Moritz. 631K |
Space Shuttle Columbia File & Video
. Made in memory of those who perished aboard the space shuttle
Columbia. The video itself is a launch from cape Canaveral.
with the endeavour shuttle with external fuel tank and SRB's
(included with file) It is a video using Matthew Moxons Flight
model and Vanessa Leightower's sound and panel. Video By Nick
Stoddart. 2.4MB |
Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat.
RHIB This is the Rigid Hull Inflatable for the Virtual United
States Coast Guard. Model for FS2002 This is a copy of a vessel
in the U.S. Coast Guard, although the USCG has many different
sizes and models of this boat, this one features some commonly
found items on board. The outboards turn when you turn the boat
with it's rudders. By Brian Smith. 1.3MB |

M1A2 Abrams MBT Tank Package.
A heavily modified tank derived from the M1A1 done by Roger
Gaylor. The turret rotates and the gun can change elevation.
It has an experimental (ficticious) panel. By Lee Baessler.
6.6MB |
BattleTech Seydlitz Aerospace Fighter V2.
A lightwieght aerospace fighter from the Battletech/Aerotech
wargame. Features full moving parts, exhaust effects, three
models and two colour schemes (10th Lyran and 1st Davion Guards).
An expanded version of my previous release. By Mark Walsh. 1MB |
Law Enforcement Boat Repaints This
is a repaint package for the VUSCG 41' UTB and the VUSCG PSU
Boat by Jordan Moore and Zane Greenwald (here).
The repaints are: -Corpus Christi Police Dept.; 41' -Nueces
County Sheriff's Dept.; 41' -Nueces County Sheriff's Dept.;
PSU Boat. Troy Poe. 661K |
BSG Viper Mark II
From the Sci Fi series "Battlestar Galactica 2003"
the Viper MK II. Colonial Fleet fighter. Fast and maneuverable.
Its 3 engines provides great acceleration power.Capable of very
short lands and take offs.Includes functional Virtual Cockpit,
animations, high resolution graphics, non standard gauges and
smoke effectsby Ricardo Jr. 2.2MB |
Los Angeles Class Attack Submarine.
This is an update for FS2002 of the Los Angeles Class Attack
Sub by Richard Hogen. I have added or moved float points and
changed the panel a bit. This is the whole sub.Bob Chicilo.
153K |