B737-800 PANEL Photoreal Classic 3D Panel with full interiors
views UP and trottle. Most common gauges with crew announcements.
by Mario Coelho. 7MB |
F-16 C panel Lockheed-Martin F-16 C or A-mlu- by Peeters
Johan. this is my panel of the F-16 for fs2K2-pro. original
bitmaps by Romulus111VADT (with permission of Romulus111VADT
to use his Bmp's) -It works great under Windows Xp Home -realistic
gauges -recomended resolution is: 1024-768*32 -HuD included(3d
only) By Peeters Johan. 1.8MB |
panel AV-8B Harrier Boeing AV-8B Harrier panel for FS2k2-
by Peeters Johan. this is my panel of the Harrier for fs2K2
-based on a picture of he panel i found on the net. -It works
great under Windows Xp -realistic gauges -recomended resolution
is: 1024-768*32 -fully transparant HUD included(3d only) By
Peeters Johan. 2.3MB |
Improved X-wing Panel New and improved X-wing panel bitmap
from x-wing vs Tie fighter (Lucasarts) -Mfd's included -HuD
included(3d only) By Peeters Johan. 861K |
Panel Eurofighter Typhoon EFA-2000 Panel for EFA-2000 has
MFD's,GPS,AP,Weather radar,HUD(3D and on demand mayby a 2D)
works verry good with guiseppe's (bepino's) eurofighter By Johan
Peeters (Groovy Panter). 1.2MB |
4 jet Engine panel (OLD StYLE) (fs200x standard/PRO) Here
you see my FS2002 version of my alternate 4 jet engine panel
(OLD STylE). This panel can be used for all classic 4 jet engine's
like the DC 8 or the Boeing 747-200. This panel has all the
usual things, like GPS and throttle. This panel has also support
for GPWS add-ons/sounds. This panel has also internal views.
And new in this version is the special light effect for the
cockpit (available in dusk and night). I have also included
some other programs, from myself. Like INFO CENTER 1.1, and
a new winampskin from this panel, for the users of winamp. By
Frank Elfert. 5.2MB |
AN-124 panel for FS2002. Uses only default + concord gauges.
Panel bitmaps are based on a photo of an original AN-124 panel.
Best to use in 1024x768 resolution. Marc Bley. 270K |
2002 Generic Twin Turboprop Panel v2.0 FS2002 Generic Twin
Turboprop Panel.For Any Twin Turboprop Aircrafts. This Panel
Has NAV radios, Autopilot, Throttles, Starter, Compass, Anunciator,
Stall Overspeed & Brake Lights All Intergrated On The Panel.......
David Burgin. 1.2MB |