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Scenery Page 21
Updated Additional Gates – Ben Gurion Airport Tel Aviv Israel (LLBG) This is to be used with AFCAD This AFCAD file increases the number of parking spaces from 14 to 46, nine of which are suitable for heavy aircraft parking. It also fixes some minor imperfections in parking spaces and taxiways found in the original file. Currently runway 26 is the longest runway at more then 11,900ft. and is in use for departures and arrivals, depending on wind conditions. 19K
FS2002 - George Town Airport - Tasmania George Town Airport is located on the Northern tip of the Tamar River on Bass Strait, comes with full texture of Buildings, Hangers etc By Ian Thatcher. 522K
FS2002 - Deal Island - Tasmania Deal Island is a very small Island in Bass Strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania, comes with Airstrip and a working Lighthouse By Ian Thatcher. 111K
Claude/Sheffield Airstrip Update - Tasmania for FS2002. 641K
Additional Gates – Brown Field, San Diego (KSDM) v1.2 Author(s) Full Name: Joshua Liste This is to be used with AFCAD. This AFCAD file increases the number of parking spaces from 12 to 28. It corrects some minor taxiway imperfections found in the original MS file and it creates seperate freq.'s for clearance and ground controls. Brown Field is a small municipal airport. 24K

FS2002 Helicopter Scenery - Colorado Fire/Rescue related scenery by C.Young author of the Beulah Series. Includes over 90 marked helicopter landing pads/LZs, 8 towns, 8 mountain chalets, two heliports, several hospitals, air crashes, rescues, brush fires, car fire, boat fire, and helo fire. 13.7MB

Fix: Colorado Scenery By C. Young - Correction #1. This contains corrections to three scenery areas with crash detect problems that prevented you from landing on indicated pads. Contains a BONUS scenery of Glenwood Springs Fair as a thank you for uploading this correction!

Additional pack here

FS2002 Scenery Mount Gambier South Australia April 2002 Mount Gambier is situated in the lower South East of South Australia. The textures have been made using real photos taken at Mount Gambier airport. Most of the 3d objects and ground textures have been custom made specifically for this scenery. The scenery includes hangars, sheds, cars, people, trees, aircraft, seasonal effects and night light effects. Textures required. Airport 2.6, VOD, Nova and Nova Gold. By Steven Royals. 1.7MB
Additional Gates – Gillespie Field, El Cajon CA ...This is to be used with AFCAD. by Joshua Liste. 29K
FS2002 Scenery for Detroit Metropolitan Airport Includes new Midfield Complexes and the new parallel runway. Customized gates for Virtual Northwest Airlines. By: Paul J. Mainville. 1.4MB
CFS2/FS2002 Java Mesh ver 1.3 High-resolution, hand edited mesh for Java in the former Dutch East Indies. LOD 9 3.75 arc second resolution. The single bgl file covers the entire island. By Rolf Keibel (VF2_Rolf). 5.6MB