DC-8-53 KLM-VIASA Textures only.
Repaint by Jaap de Baare. One of the first DC-8's that were
leased from KLM to VIASA Venezuela. This aircraft was an odd
one in terms of the usual external decorations. It had a "split"
paint job. One side remained in the existing KLM colours while
the other side received the livery of VIASA Venezuela. Original
DC-8-53 model by the Historic Jetliners Group (here)
is needed to see the result. 1.7MB |
Boeing 737-200 Cardinal FFX/SGA
Boeing 737-200 It features the latest reflection including dynamic
shine, lighting, and animation technology including accurate
flaps, landing gears, and thrust reversers and dynamic wing
and engine views.Paint by Facundo Sachi. 1.2MB |
Project OpenSky Boeing 747 400 v3 - Ladeco (Chile)
Fictional. Created from the Paintkit, there are enhancements
made to the paintkit to make this repaint good and realistic.
These enhancements are: - New Windows textures. - Dirts. - Realistic
Fuselage texture. - Realistic Wings texture. - New Wheel textures.
- And many more! Original by Project Opensky. By Hugo & Antonia.
8MB |
Boeing 737-200 LAPA.
FFX/SGA Boeing 737-200 It features the latest reflection including
dynamic shine, lighting, and animation technology including
accurate flaps, landing gears, and thrust reversers and dynamic
wing and engine views.Paint by Facundo Sachi. 1.5MB |
Boeing 737-230 Ladeco
The brandnew FlightFX/SGAir Boeing 737-230 It features the latest
reflection including dynamic shine, lighting, and animation
technology including accurate flaps, landing gears, and thrust
reversers and dynamic wing and engine views. The lighting effects
are by SGA. Textures by Hugo Espinosa. 1.8MB |
Boeing 737-230 Sky Airlines.
The brand new FlightFX/SGAir Boeing 737-230 It features the
latest reflection including dynamic shine, lighting, and animation
technology including accurate flaps, landing gears, and thrust
reversers and dynamic wing and engine views. The lighting effects
are by SGA. Textures by Hugo Espinosa. 1.4MB |