CF-100 Canuck Update.
This is an update of the CF-100 Canuck by Alphasim. I have added
a panel, updated the flight dynamics, and adjusted the contact
points as necessary. Bob Chicilo. 1.5MB |
2004 F-86F EJercito del Aire. Patrulla Ascua Textures only for
the aircraft from Kirk Olsson. To use this textures you need
to have installed SABREJET.ZIP (here).
Textures for an C.5 aircraft belonging to the Patrulla Ascua
in their first livery (Ejercito del Aire). Let this repaint
be sort of a Birthday gift and a small hommage to the "Patrulla
Ascua", who would have been celebrating their golden aniversary
(50 years) this year... "Patrulla Ascua" is gone, long live
"Patrulla Aguila". Repainted by Jose A. Arruga. 5.9MB |
C-130H Hercules The Flying Pirates.
. This is a repaint of Adrian Brausch's, Ian Brausch's and Carlos
Henao's FS2002/2004 Colombian Airforce Lockheed C130 H Hércules
in the colours of The Flying Pirates (Fictional). The Sound,
Model, and Panel were used with their permission. All the necessary
files are included. Repaint by Jake Dalton. |
Sukhoi SU-35 Update.
This is an update of the Sukhoi SU-35 by Yosuke Ube and updated
by Dr. John van Kampen aka 'Yahia al Wajid' (above). I have
redone the flight dynamics, changed all contact points and lights,
which was necessary when I reset the datum to 0 from 37 ft.
I have also changed the smoke effects and added afterburner
effects. Bob Chicilo. 92K |
Indian Air Force cargo/refueling IL-76 Version 2.
An Ilyushin Il-76TD in Indian Air Force Cargo/refueling. Second
version using the latest 'model' by S.Varnavsky This aircraft
features many moving parts and animations, as well as a virtual
cockpit. This file contains both the 'model.fp', the 'IAF Indian
Air Forfe' textures. Aircraft model by Sergey Varnavskiy, repaint
by Praz Rim. 5.5MB |

F-14B REV D Full Package.
FS2004 F-14D Flight Dynamics & Sound (V 8-13-06), and custom
Panel and NEW VC! Aircraft.cfg, Flight Dynamics Engineering
by Ivan Kostic. FDE derived from the original FDE by JJ Schumacher,
with permission. Aircraft perfectly controllable and maneuverable
within the whole original Tomcat's flight envelope. Rework of
Scott Printz's HUDHornet by Ivan Kostic for HUD XML development
with permission. RCBCO-20 by ROB BARENDREGT, DOUG DAWSON, &
NICK NEEDHAM. Original Panel by Ivan Kostic. Panel loaned to
me to revise. Panel, VC modifications by Steve Hinson. Textures
by many great artists. Custom Texture of "Elijah" by Ardie Tingleman(C).
Glenn Copeland gauges(C). Model by Dino Cattaneo & Jeff Dobbing(C).
Sound by Ivan Kostic. See inside main F14D Doc jacket for complete
credit list. Steve Hinson Ivan Kostic. 57.8MB Filename: f14drev2.zip |