Lockheed Martin F-16A ROC (Taiwan) AF 17th Ops Grp Textures
only. This is a repaint of the F-16A Viper in the livery
of 17th Operations Group, 401st Tactical Fighter Wing, ROC (Taiwan)
Air Force, based at Hualien AFB (RCYU). This aircraft features
traditional symbols of the Ah-Mei aborigine tribe. Textures
only. Original aircraft package (mh_viper_rocaf21fs.zip Here
) by Kirk Olsson and Mike Huang required. Repaint by Mike Huang.
3.6MB |
SAAB JAS39 Gripen A/B.
This airplane is used by Swedish Air Force. JAS39 is an airplane
for the combat, the attack, and the scout developed as a succession
of Viggen. Compared with Viggen, expenditure is pressed to 2/3
or less and weight is pressed to 1/2 or less and more kinds
of arms are cut equipped with in large quantities and it has
the ability that it is launched or can be dropped by higher
accuracy. Two kinds of airframes of a single-seat(Type A) and
a double-seat(Type B) and original designed Panel for JAS39
are included in this file. Production material and marking design
cooperated by Ronny Olofsson(Sweden) by Kazunori Ito. 1.9MB |

Northrop/McDonnell Douglas YF-23A Black Widow II PAV-1
87800 and PAV-2 87801. Featuring: GMAX built 3D model with
basic virtual cockpit. Detailed, high-resolution, updated
reflective dxt3 textures. Transparent reflective canopy and
detailed pilot. Fully animated control surfaces. Fully animated
landing gear. Afterburner effect that works realistically
when AB command is selected. Very realistic Flight Dynamics
based on virtual wind tunnel data. Custom sounds, mixed to
be throaty and powerful. Condense contrails for wing tips,
fuselage and flaps. Flight Checklist, Procedures, and Flight
Manual. Realistic Panel. By: Daniel Buechter, Bryan Betts,
Simone Prattico', Pete Dowson, JR, Eric Marciano, Cyril Pioffet,
Johan Peeters. 15.3MB
B1B Lancer Package
by the I³D Project Group. This boeing B-1b lancer is designed
and built specifically for FS2002/FS2004 (A century of flight)
The base back comes with 1 texture, full model, effects with
more to come. The model has been test flown by Pilots from
Dyess AFB, USA and approved flyable. The flight model itself
isnt perfect, we have limited resources in this area, but
we assue you a uptate is coming soon. The B1B Lancer includes
full animation, gear, bombays, wing sweep, new afterburner
technology and much more.. contrails are included, along with
a custom designed panel for the B1B. Includes Virtual Cockpit.
As this package stands, it doesnt wor with Force Feedback
sticks, you will need to disable FFB in FS2002 otherwise the
aircraft will nose up and become uncontrollable. See Readme
for further details. By the ID3 Project Group. 11.3MB
Flight dynamics update - makes aircraft more flyable in
FS2004/2002. Hugh Pratt. 276K
B1B Textures. 15.3MB
Sounds. 5.6MB
Northrop XB-35 Flying Wing
The XB-35 was the first Northrop flying wing bomber design.
And,XB-35 was produced as a candidate of 10~10 bombers (The
amount equipped with 10,000 bombs and 10,000 bomber with the
cruising range of mile) who had been planned for the European
front of World War II. However, it was not selected because
of vibration problem of Contra-Rotating Propeller and loads
of bomb that are fewer than that of expectation etc. Finally,
neither arrived at mass production though aimed at making to
the jet, and invented YB-49 and YRB-49. by Kazunori Ito. 1.8MB |
F-16 "Halo 2" Textures only.
This is my first repaint. This is a fictional Halo 2 inspired
F-16 viper. It features a custom Halo 2 logo on both the wings
and tail. The tail also has a graphic of a Brute from the Halo
2 game. The textures have been tested with fs2004 only, but
should work in fs2002. Textures and CFG file only - requires
F-16 Viper by Kirk Ollson here.
, Halo 2 textures by Matthew Stapleton. 4.9MB |
Northrop F-89D Scorpion.
The F-89 was a twin-engine, all-weather fighter-interceptor
designed to locate, intercept, and destroy enemy aircraft by
day or night under all types of weather conditions. Two kinds
of the example of painting is included in this file. Note: the
panel is not included in this file. By Kazunori Ito. 928K |