CF-220 Grizzly Concept Fighter:
A concept fighter designed for the Canadian Armed Forces.
Like the claws of the Grizzly bear, this aircraft packs 10
air-to-air missiles as its primary armament. Original aircraft
design by Brian Sturton. Effects and associated files courtesy
of the following designers: Rob Barendregt; Dean Reimer; Bryan
Betts; Nick Needham, and Jan Rosenberg. Model features working
afterburner, sonic boom (visual and audio effects), high-G
wingtip contrails, opening canopy and landing gear suspension.
Tested in both FS2002 and FS2004. Brian Sturton 8.3MB
CF-220 Grizzly Effects Correction: Includes easy-to-follow
instructions on how to configure any panel chosen to be used
with the CF-220 Grizzly, in order to have working afterburner
and sonic boom effects. The effects files included with the
original upload will not work without the original panel,
hence this correction has been developed to resolve the problem.