Airbus A-380 Panel.
Uses an original bitmap designed by Marco Spada and custom third
party gauges made by E.Marciano, FPDA and various authors. Made
by Marco Spada. 956K |
Boeing 757-200 Wing Views. These wing views are for the
Project Opensky 757-200, they include left and right views and
also a rear view, "a little like having your face pressed against
the window from a rear seat"!! By Steve Quinn. 510K |
Boeing 767-300 Wing Views. These views are made for the
Posky 767-300, they display the flexing wings and also include
a rear view from a window seat at the back of the aircraft.
Steve Quinn. 421K |
Airbus A320 Wing Views. These wing views are for the IFDG
A320 model. I have used Ken Mitchell's latest panel, you can
download it from this site (ab320km_panel). 498K |
2004 Grumman HU-16 Albatross Panel This
panel has been done for the Grumman HU-16 Albatross. I used
several original cockpit photos "glued" them together and repainted
all By: Michael "Pappi" Vader. 1.3MB |
Vickers Viscount 810 Panel,Version
3.2. Updated to reflect Dart 525 Engines as well as numerous
other improvements, see mods file. The panel incorporates most
aircraft systems, the electrical and fuel systems having received
particular attention. Replaces V3.1, and corrects faulty crossfeed
cock and adds ILS hold function to autopilot. This download
contains full surround views in indexed format by Dave Booker.
Full documentation is included,incorporating a comprehensive
manual and checklist. The panel is designed for use with Rick
Piper's Vickers Viscount 800 (here)
By Fraser A. McKay. 7MB |