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  Panels Page 8
FS2004 Generic High View Old Fighter Panel. Configured by Francisco Silva 173K
FS2004 Generic High View Military Fighter Panel. Configured by Francisco Silva 1MB
FS2004 Boeing 737-800 panel Version 1 This panel was designed based on actual B737-800 photos and it is very close to the real one. All gauges were costumized and specially created for this panel. By Hector Molina. 1.4MB
FS2004/FS2002 Fairchild 24R Panel. This panel is intended to be used with the 1938 Fairchild 24R (here) by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. and works well in FS2002. By Eliezer Rice. 1MB
FS2004/2002 Set of Panels for the Russian MiG-15. It features a split-screen look-down instrument overlay, ultra-crisp gauges, an optional HUD, autopilot and Chuck Dome's GPS programmed with Korean Airfields for use with the FOX-FOUR Korean War Project. It is designed and tested for 1024x768 CFS2 only, although it may also work in FS2000/2002. Created by Mike Eustace. 1.2MB
FS2004 Boeing 777 Panel. This Panel features a true working Tcas, WxRadar(see readme file) and much more. The panel can be used with any B777 available, although I did some rework on the VC of the default B777. So I recommend you use this panel with that plane. The Tcas requires a registered version of FSUIPC. Gauges by Johan Peeters, Chris Reid and Eric Marciano This is an Auto installer file, Easy to install. By Johan Peeters. 6.7MB
Airport Tractor (Tug) Panel. . This is a panel for the TG5000 Tractor (here)released the day before this panel by Hauger Fredo. Its fictional but its cool. (Includes 2 diffrent backgrounds) By Calvin Gwinner. 186K
FS2004/2002 F-22 Panel with several new features including an FLR mode, moving terrain map, animated HUD targetball, and many many more. Included are lots of custom gauges giving I hope, a nice feel for the unique aircraft and panel. Assembeled and presented by Roger "Maddog" Gaylor File name: F22pnFLR.ZIP. 5.1MB
FS2004 iFDG A320 Wing views. These wing views are designed to work with Ken Mitchell's A320 panel (ab320mp.zip - here), you must download and install this panel before using these wing views. You also need to have the IFDG A320 here model. Steve Quinn. 1.8MB

FS2004/FS2002 Douglas DC-3 MAAM-SIM Panel Modifications Requires prior installation of the R4D-6/DC-3 package available from Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Simulations (MAAM-SIM) at www.maam.org (see here). Will not work with the default FS2004 DC-3. These unofficial modifications, in two versions, of the panel supplied for the DC-3 in the MAAM-SIM package are uploaded with their permission. In both versions everything is consolidated on, or is accessible from, the Pilot's panel. Most features are accessible from the VC also. Version 1 replaces the Sperry autopilot with a Bendix autopilot and adds an HSI and RMI to the panel; Version 2 retains the Sperry but replaces the directional gyro with a more contemporary gyro with Heading bug. This panel also has an RMI and a conventional VOR1 gauge. Both panels have several other enhancements including standby radios. By Mark Beaumont. File name: DCAMAAM4.ZIP

FS2004/FS2002 Douglas DC-3 MAAM-SIM Panel Modifications - update Some pilots have reported a CTD (crash to desktop) problem with my MAAM-SIM panel modifications as uploaded in DCAMAAM4.ZIP. This has been pinned down to a conflict caused by the 'FSTSTuner' status light installed on the panel, which is relevant to the use of 'FSTSTuner' with 'Teamspeak' communciations software. These revised PANEL.CFG files will blank off this gauge (although not remove the entry, in case you should ever wish to revert) and, hopefully, prevent any further problems of this nature. If you are experiencing no problems (particularly, when calling up the kneeboard within the sim) then you may not need this update. By Mark Beaumont . File name: DCAMAAM5.ZIP