Pilatus PC-21 Package, Complete Edition.
Pilatus's 21st century follow-up to their world famous PC-7,PC-9
series of turboprop trainers. Small highly loaded wing, spoilers,
lots of power, and jet-like controls help the PC-21 better simulate
jet performance at a turboprop price. Tim Piglet Conrad. 2.7MB |
British Airways Viscount 802 G-AOHH 1974 Textures only.
This is how the old BEA fleet appeared for a short time during
the transitional period or the merger between BEA and BOAC.
Most of the aircraft were painted in full BA livery by 1974/5,
those that weren’t were mostly those due for scrapping. You
must have “Rick’s Viscount 800 to use this (here).
Textures by Ian Roussel. 791K |
Vickers Viscount 802 BEA Channel Islands Textures only.
G-AOHRwore this unique scheme for a time after its return to
mainstream BEA service. It later wore full British Airways livery,
one of only two viscounts that were repainted out of the batch
scrapped in the mid 1970's. You must have “Rick’s Viscount 800
to use this (here).
Repaint by Garry Russell. 442K |
Beechcraft V35TC Bonanza One
of the most prolific aircraft designs ever made, the distinctive
V-tail Bonanza was produced for 4 decades. More than 10,000
were built. By Mike Stone. 371K |