Viscount 814 Intra Airways Textures only.
An early expansion saw Intra Airways of Jersey operating Viscount
810 and a single 700. This machine series 814 G-BAPE came from
British Midland who had earlier leased it to British Airways.
Originally it belonged to Lufthansa. Intra became Jersey European
Airways later British European and now Fly be.Requires the FSDS
Viscount 800 model by Rick Piper here
Repaint by Garry Russell. 420K |
Viscount 724 Intra Airways Textures only.
In one of its many guises, the much used G-BDRC flew in this
livery on lease from Alidair. It was later repainted to match
the Viscount 810's but kept the slightly different nose titles.
This one time TCA aircraft bought from Air Inter of France went
on to fly for Air Ecosse Dan Air and Alidair before ending up
as Guernsey Airlines Sarnia II. It was sold to Janus but never
flew in service for them, ending its days on the Manston Fire
dump. Requires the FSDS Viscount 700 model by Rick Piper here
Repaint by Garry Russell. 534K |
Herald Channel Express early ex Arkia livery Textures only.
Originally 4X-AHS with Arkia of Israel, G-BEZB was one of four
machines bought by Express Air Services/Express Air Freight.
Supposingly merged with Intra and ABC to form Jersey European
Airways, ABC stayed seperate and Express became Channel Express.
Despite all the changes 'Blossom' remained, up until withdrawl
in 1987 still wearing its basic original Arkia livery. Requires
the FSDS Herald model by Rick Piper here
by Garry Russell. 435K |
Antonov An-12 Antonov Virtual Airlines
A repaint of Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's An-12B in Antonov Airlines
Colors. Complete aircraft, with full moving parts (door, ramp),
VC..etc. Updated cockpit with both metric and standard gauges
(Vertical speed, Airspeed, Altimeter). Ray Brower. 3.6MB |
Beechcraft Model 18 Volpar on Amphibious Floats.
The Beech 18 was one of Beechcraft's most enduring designs.
In production from the late 1930's until the early 60's many
are still in use all over the world. This plane represents
a late Model Super H with the Volpar Trigear conversion that
has been further modified with International Aeroproducts
8100 series Amphibious floats Features: Full FS 2004 control
surface animation, Opening door (shift-E) Dynamic shine, Reflective
textures, Panel, Virtual cockpit, Rolling wheels and of course
full lighting. A paint kit is also included and repaints are
encouraged but please only upload textures, not the whole
plane Aircraft by Brian Gladden. 4.8MB
Panel.cfg patch to fix framerate issue. 4K
Viscount 804 Dan Air Textures only.
Dan Air never owned Viscounts but they operated many of various
types under lease over many years. This one, a type 804 came
from Southern International. Like most of its contempories it
ended up with BAF. Requires the FSDS Viscount 800 model by Rick
Piper here
Repaint by Garry Russell. 443K |
Metroliner III - Passenger Hi
detail model of FAIRCHILDS METRO III prop airliner. High detail
model with fully animated gear, wheels, flaps ailerons, elevatiors
and independant suspension on gear struts. Also has animated
passenger and rear cargo door. Plain white. Come bundled with
David Dursts Metro panel which features cockpit views from photos
taken by Jon Murchison. By Jon Murchison. 3.4MB |